
How much urination is too much urination?

by Guest61986  |  earlier

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I know the first symptom of diabetes is frequent urination. But how many times a day do you have to urinate to say that it's too much. I am asking this because i think i might have diabetes and it's really worrying me right now. And by the way, i don't even have many of the other symptoms (Extreme thirst, extreme hunger, unusual weight loss - I am actually gaining - and increased fatigue. And BTW, i' m 13.




  1. Diabetes runs ramped in my family.  So that's the first question, does anyone else in your family have diabetes?  (It usually skips a generation).  If you had it, you would have juvenile diabetes like my aunt.  Her first sign was the extreme thirst for sweet drinks.  It was halloween and she ate tons of sweet candy, drank all the kool-aid and her sister had to make jello but my aunt couldn't wait so she drank it before it set.  But when it all came down to it, they told there dad and he took her to the hospital to get a blood test.  They had the answer pretty quick.  

    Tell your parents, stop worrying, and go to your doctor.  They can do a quick blood test first just to see if your blood sugar levels are out of whack.  If not, you probably don't have anything to worry about.  You can go in yearly to get a test if it runs in your family.  It's summer too, maybe you've been drinking more fluids hence urinating more.  To the doc!

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