
How much vegetables should I be feeding my pet mouse?

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Hi I've been feeding my mouse lettuce and changing it every 24 hours. Is this bad? I've heard that you aren't supposed to feet it veggies daily.

I also would appreciate any advice on how to train my mouse and some suggestions for treats.

Thanks for the help! :)




  1. as much as you want

  2. Daily veggies are just fine and actually quite healthy. Just don't overfeed too much at a time. What type of lettuce are you feeding? Do not feed iceberg lettuce, it has little nutritional value and is high in water content which can cause the runs. Romaine lettuce is quite healthy.

    I assume you are also feeding a staple diet of pet store mouse food?

  3. Your mouse's main diet shouldn't be the lettuce, it should have at least rodent blocks or a seed mixture. That should be given everyday as their staple food, and then supplemented with other foods like vegetables.

    Fresh veges can be given everyday, but fruits should only be given once a week or so. Lettuce and cabbage shouldn't be given in huge amounts since they are more likely to cause diarrhoea. Other vegetables like carrots, and peas are no problem.

    Try and change the vegetable you feed them each day, like one day is broccoli, th next day is peas and the other is apples. This provides them with more interest, but make sure you still give them the blocks/ mixture!

    To train your mouse, just be gentle and stay with it as long as you can everyday. Place your hand in the cage and let it sniff it and get used to the sight and smell of it.

    When it is more comfortable, it may walk straight into your hand. Pick it up and stroke it, but don't hold for too long.

    Keep doing this until your mouse is more confident, but this takes time so be patient.

    And lastly, is your mouse a male or female?

    If it is a female, she should really have a mouse friend since they are social creatures and get lonely.

    If he is a male, you should still try to get him a friend. If he is always fighting with the new mouse, and nothing works, you can always return it.

    Just make sure the new mouse is the same s*x as your current one.

    Good luck and have fun with your mouse !

  4. Give it mixed food one day and then the next or every 2 days put veggies in there because if it is something they don't get often when they do get veggies it will be like a treat for it and it will eat more than if there in there the whole time.

    Training is easy just play with your mouse for about five minutes every day and as it gets older increase this time to 5 minutes and more.

    Hope this helps..

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