
How much was Beckhem paid when we haven't a olympic football team.?

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How much was Beckhem paid when we haven't a olympic football team.?




  1. Dont worry. Scotland is thinking about competing on its own by 2012.

    Would be much fairer this way so other countries doint have to compete against 4 countries combined into one .  

  2. for what, to be at the closing ceremony?  

  3. Olympics or not, he's one of the most well paid athletes in the world.

  4. CHINA is already CHAMPION BEIJING 2008 Olympic

  5. He wasn't, it was his charity work----- a whole 2 days for which he will no doubt receive a knighthood and have a town named after him.  

  6. He'll get millions for just appearing there, not even playing a sport....or taking part in anything :)

  7. didn't have a Euro 2008 team either *giggle*

    Anyhow, jokes aside, I presume the figure would be will in to the millions... not that he needs that much.  

  8. hmm probably in the millions.

  9. TO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    He didn't really need to be featured,....i saw him looking at the girl next to him as well in the short blue pants playing the violin,....don't really blame him though, she was hot!

  10. The man is more than likely the best known Londoner on the planet (after the Queen and she wasn't likely to be up on a platform in a track suit), so he was there as a figure head of the city, not specifically about football.

    It is very unpopular to say it but I think Beckham is a top bloke, with a d**n site more honesty, integrity and passion for what he does than just about any other footballer on the planet. He never claimed to be a rocket scientist and in a world that has gone mad with paying sports people loopy money, then he is as deserving than most of them.

  11. Millions i suppose

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