
How much was Prince Phil paid to marry the Queen?

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  1. Nothing.Philip received a stable home life.His first and only real home was with his wife the Queen.

    She loves him even though he can be boorish and crude.She knows that Philip's father abandoned his wife and children to live with his mistress in Monte Carlo.She knows that Philip learned his "sterling good manners" from the various boarding schools(yes,I know Philip suffers from "foot-in-mouth disease).But Elizabeth was quite impressed by his good looks.And since she was aware of his background she probably knew he wouldn't mind being second banana,would be all too happy with that role,as long as he was with a woman who was willing to put up with him.And,yes,I know the Queen sometimes has a pained look on her face when her husband says something inappropriate.

  2. 5 magic beans .....

    BP : He doesn`t always give Doreen Morris best answer ... if I shag him  he will give it to me ...

  3. No money passed hands, although the exiled Greek Prince certainly gained a life style that he otherwise wouldn't have enjoyed.  Princess Elizabeth was smitten with the good looks of Prince Philip of Greece when the Naval Cadet gave her a tour of Dartmouth Royal Naval College in 1939: He was 18 to her 13.  

    During World War II, Lieutenant Mountbatten kept up a correspondence with the Princess, and at his Uncle Lord [Louis] Mountbatten's urging, he asked for Princess Elizabeth's hand in marriage.  George VI was wary and worried his oldest daughter was too young, but finally relented after taking his two daughters on a six-month tour to South Africa, whose purpose (in part) was to separate the sheltered Princess Elizabeth from this handsome suitor.  

    Upon marriage, the rootless Philip of Greece renounced his Greek citizenship, royal title, and Greek Orthodox religion to marry the future Queen for which he eventually gave up his naval career and a good deal of his independence, although the Duke of Edinburgh has always said exactly what he was thinking at the moment!

  4. you mean what did the Queen get for marrying him, cheeky!

  5. The young princess developed a teenage crush on Philip, which quite clearly quickly grew into love - I think her parents simply always assumed, from then on, she would marry him.  

    It's true that as her husband, he received a 'royal salary' on top of his naval pay, but the keys to the main coffers always remained firmly in Queenie's hands.

  6. Prince Philip was not paid to marry the queen - she loved him when they married and it was not prearranged.  Besides, the perks are fabulous.

  7. more than 1£ sterling, even.

  8. It's sad that people don't study history - they make such fools of themselves because of it.

    The marriage of Prince Phillip and Queen Elizabeth is one of the great love stories of the last century.

    From the moment that Elizabeth met him, she was in love with Phillip, and he with her.

    She fought her grandmother, Queen Mary, who EVERYONE, even the King, was afraid of, for permission to marry Phillip.  And in true storybook fashion, she won.

    Phillip was entitled to be called King Phillip or the Queen's Consort, but refused both titles.  He did so because he wanted Elizabeth to be put first in the eyes of the people and he has worked tirelessly throughout their marriage to always look after her interests.

    Even today, the one thing that makes Phillip go ballistic is hearing anybody criticize of diss the Queen.  He has been known to tear strips off of anyone folloish enough to do so in his presence.

    Their marriage has lasted where their childrens' have fallen apart and they are as much in love today as when they married.

    These are the people and the marriage that you have slandered all for the momentary thrill of taking a cheap shot at someone that has never done you harm

    I hope it was worth it.

  9. Nothing.

    There is not much point of answering this question as the person who posts it will give Doreen Morris "Best Answer",He always does.

    Edit.....So and So does not accept e-mail,Are we surprised?is something that you always say,Then you insult the person and block them so that they cannot reply You have a habit of attacking defenseless people,Royalty and the people of Yahoo Answers,after you block them.How brave is that.You blocked Dude after you insulted him,he said that he had e-mail and you said why would I want to e-mail an idiot,then you blocked him.Are you going to do the same to me,after you insult me?You don't have an original thought in your head.

    Edit......Solara 43,please e-mail me or Dude,you can always turn it off again after

    Edit.................Mad Manda,I know, has very bad taste.

    Edit.......You even boasted in Polls and Surveys that you have blocked 62 answerers.You are not averse to deleting a question when it suits your purpose either.40 questions asked and 62 people blocked.How can that be?

  10. I don't think it was a payment as such but he hasn't done a days work since.

  11. Room and board plus a lot of silly uniforms left over from some long forgotten operetta.

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