
How much was the total bill for the 5000 pizzas Jesus ordered for the masses?

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How much was the total bill for the 5000 pizzas Jesus ordered for the masses?




  1. Ewww. . . I think it was fish. buddy.

  2. who cares? It won't be nearly as much as the medical bills your parent will have to pay when you get a beating. I don't think their insurance covers "beating due to being a controversial homo"

  3. Is this a joke? Do you expect a punchline?

    Jesus did not order anything, the bread and fish were given willingly.

    The little we have to give but given with a generous heart can be changed into more than enough to supply our needs.

    But in the end it cost Jesus his life, he gave ALL for us.  

  4. It was in the Middle East, sure it wasn't Pitta Bread. Mmm.. Fish Kebabs, just the thing after a session on 'Miracle Wine'.

  5. He's a God of miracles.  He went around performing miracles all the time and you are asking about ordering pizza???  He just broke the bread and fish and it multiplied.

  6. You mean the illegal immigrant from Mexico, Jesus? He didn't BUY the pizzas, he stole them!

  7. Jesus paid the price.

  8. He had it on the tab. The cheeky git still hasn't paid 2,000 years later.

  9. Pizzas?

  10. just a prayer

  11. each pizza was $10 so $50,000 but they gave him the mega discount 50% off .. so yea he only payed $25,000 but then hes a rich dude

  12. at an average of £9 per pizza thats about £45,000....not sure how that translates to the currency/prices in 'his' day...nor if delivery was free or not, or if they did B.O.G.O.F offers

  13. Hmmmm.  I must have missed this passage in the Bible after years of religious studies.  I remember water to wine and creating fish and bread but not pizzas.  Are you sure this isn't a Hispanic guy named Jesus who ordered 5,000 pizzas for something else?  I'm sure the pizza place would give a group discount so not sure what the final bill would be.  Not cheap!

  14. are u kidding?????

  15. 13984347 $

    Jesus died to NOT pay the bill , not for our sins .

  16. wow. seriously?

  17. Nah, it two basking sharks and some huge loaves - either that or they were nouvelle cuisine sized portions

  18. I don't think the pizzas would have made it in any salvageable form from the future.  Keep in mind Marco Polo brought pizza to Italy after he was in China.

  19. It was not pizza.

    There was no bill.

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