
How much water can you give a 10 month old?

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my pediatrician said up to 6 ounces a day in addition to the formula/food. I just wanted to see what others do since all pediatricians have different answers




  1. Usually at this age children do not need any extra water this is because of there breastmilk or formula they are consuming. Although, if you asking because you will be out in hot weather.... If your child is breastfeed then give him more frequent shorter feeds if your child is formula feed then you could give sips of water throughout the day but do not have him consume anymore then 4 ounces.  

  2. a lot of people say none. this is what i do. i give my 8 month old 1 ounce of sterlized water once a week. i have been doing that since he was 4 months and it hasn't hurt him. if there r any elders in your family they probably will tell u the same thing. not telling u that u should only u can make that final decision. i also agree w/nurse jc on the sips throughout the day.

  3. none, they don't need any extra besides what they get mixed in the formula or whats in the breast milk. Not until about a year anyway.

  4. HELLO. If your baby is breastfed he will not need anything else.If you give a formula and additional food,you must give baby lots of warer.Sterilize water until baby is 9-12 months old.

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