
How much water do you drink daily?

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I'm just curious to see how much water others drink in a day. I usually drink the equivalent of 2 and a half water bottles. Is this enough?




  1. I live in Vegas and weigh over 250 lbs, I drink about 2 gallons a day in the summer months.  I drink 1/2 gallon during my 1.5 hr training sessions alone.

    the more active you are the more your body will require hydration.  time of year, genetics, ambient humidity, etc. are all factors that effect how slow or fast a person needs to hydrate.  everyone requires a different amount of liquids just like everyone requires a different amount of calories.

  2. i drink 8 glass which is recommened

  3. Sure.

    And the first answerer who said "8 glasses is recommended" failed to mention that most of that water is in the food that you eat. Even tacos from Taco Bell have some water content in them. Everything has water in it.

    I've heard that half of your weight in ounces is a good amount of water to drink. So, if you weight 100 lbs., 50 ounces of water is recommended.

  4. Around 1.5 gal per day.

    Assuming these are 16oz bottles, I would say you are on the bottom end of where you need to be.  Add another 1.5 bottles and you will be more in line with the average of where you should be.  The more active you are, the more water you will need to add from there.


    To the comment about drinking too much being bad for you kidneys, this is rubish.  You would be hard pressed to be able to physically drink that much at either one sitting or in a single day.  Your kidneys are designed to be able to process on the order of 15 liters (~4 gal) per day.  

    Where people get into trouble with drinking too much is when it is done it one sitting and that is a condition known as water intoxication, or hyponatremia.  This is caused when you drink so much water that you cells are saturated to the point the the excess water on the outside of the cells begins to pull the sodium content out of the cells.  This severe electrolye imbalance is a extremely improbable if not borderline impossible.

    Good luck!!

  5. i try to remember to drink a lot. but i usually drink about 2 glasses. at least. sometimes more.


  6. as much as you can without feeling like you're gonna puke and if your pee is transparent like water itself, slow down there.

  7. i just recently learned that if you over drink its bad for your kidneys, so as close as you can get to 8 glasses without forcing yourself.

  8. 8-12 glasses is recommended. but it should depend on the climate. The warmer the climate the more you should drink. Never let yourself feel thirsty. But some medical conditions may limit water requirement.

    It should depend on the size of your bottle. how much does it hold? 1 litre? Then you are having quite a lot of water.  

  9. I Drink 8-10 pints of water a day wich is double 8 cups so i drink a lot which means i pee alot  

  10. About 64 ounces of water. This amount keep you hydrated and helps you flush toxins out of your body.

  11. I think it is ok. because your body also absorbs water in food.

  12. 8 glasses recommended. 2 and half water bottle is enough

  13. 2-3 litres

  14. i make a point to drink at least 4 water bottles a day...

    8 fl oz is a glass... and its recommended to drink 8 a day... so 4 water bottles is the recommended amount of water. :D

  15. People say that drinking 8 glasses is the recommended but people have different bodies and different life stages. when you pee and if your urine is very yellow then your not getting enough and if it is kinda transparentsy then your fine but make sure you have enough water evryday or else your get dehydration headaches  

  16. It depends on how thirsty I am but probably a minimum of five glasses a day.

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