
How much water do you think is lost everyday throughout the world?

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Just wondering how much water is lost everyday in the world.




  1. No water is "lost".  The hydrologic cycle is a closed system, therefore, the water isn't lost, it just might not be where it used to be.  Just think - you might be drinking the same water Julius Caesar did!!

  2. None. Water is never "lost". It's all part of the evapotranspiration cycle.

  3. Nobody can tell you that if you include potable water loss with Ice

    here is a distribution chart ,you work it out


    25% of the planets surface is land

    75%of the surface is water and it is rising


    97%of the Earths water is salt

    fresh water is only 3% of all the Earths water

    most of it is beyond out reach

    now much ice is melting and running into the seas fresh water lost for ever.

    STORAGE or Location of % of the fresh water

    ice and glaziers 74%

    groundwater 800 meters + 13.5 %

    groundwater less than 800meters 11.o%

    Lakes 0.3%

    soils 0.006%

    Atmospheric in circulation 0.0035%

    rivers 0.03%

    frozen land or permafrost is not included and represent an unavailable storage of 40%

    so of the 3% about 11.6 ,is easily available to us ,in rivers, lakes and ground water surface aquifers,more and more of this is becoming contaminated

    overpopulation of an extra 70 million people a year (increasing all the time )and expanding agriculture ,which uses 70% of available potable water supplies ,has brought the good(sweet) water suplies to critical levels ,some countries have been in trouble already quite a while .

    now climate change and desertification because of irresponsible agriculture ,overgrazing and deforrestation is damaging world fresh water production .

    it is a good reason for concern and if we do not rectify matters by changing agricultural methods ,reforrest ,stop deforrestation,become more economic with water use ,stop producing more people ,stop wasting and contaminating water, we will be in serious trouble all round

    and could end up looking like Mars

  4. A study done in the little island of Singapore (below Malaysia) estimated that Singapore herself with just a population of 4 million uses about 500 olympic size swimming pools of water per day. I can't imagine how much the rest of the world uses!

    What's more, Singapore's barely a speck on the world map.

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