
How much water is safe to drink at one sitting?

by Guest61705  |  earlier

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How much water is safe to drink at one sitting?




  1. I heard that it is quite healthy to drink a liter of water / day.

  2. Until you feel a slight wee wee sensation.

  3. That depends on what you have been doing.

    If you have just undertaken any hard physical activity, then you may wish to consume as much as a ltr of salted water.

    If you have been drinking water throughout the day and have been sat on your bum, then you should limit your intake of water.

    If you are drinking over a prolonged period of time - several hrs, then you can increase the amount of water you drink. Drinking too much water is as bad for you as not drinking enough. If your body is telling you to stop drinking, then stop.

  4. eeek.

    not a gallon.

    how about...2 8oz glasses?

  5. well your body only absorbs approx. 16 oz of water an hour, so the rest will got straight through you.

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