
How much water should a hamster drink?

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I'm a bit concerned about how much my Syrian drinks. Some days it's very hard to see if she's had any at all. The bottle level looks like it goes down about 3mm a day? Not sure how much this would be in ml. Her bowels seem regular, though.

Am I worrying about nothing?




  1. about half the bottle

  2. i dont really no but if he is not getting anough water it wouldnt be alive. so just give it love and make sure there is no abnormal behavior. my guinea pig doesnt rink much and she is just fine. just depends when they want it.

  3. Probably, just don't worry your hamster will drink as much as it's thirsty for, believe me, it's happened to my hamster.


  4. Some hamsters come from dessert areas, so they are able to retain water for quite a while. your hamster is probably just fine. also check the water bottle to see if it is jammed or something is wrong with it.

  5. do you get her vegetables? on the days she eats vegetables or other juicy things she will not need much water. syrians should drink around 30 ml of water a day.

  6. Yes, your worrying about nothing, he will drink as much as he needs to, but remember, change his/her water EVERY day, he might not like the fact (if your not) that you aren't changeing hi/her water every day, hamsters like fresh water, especialy in the summer, it keeps them cool.  Good Luck!!

  7. it dont matter how much it drink just refill bottke with fresh water every day

  8. my hamster doesnt drink on its own, so i give it water..but she gets soaked sumtimes. but now she broke her leg i give her milk nd she like it alot she finishes it..but it get on her fur nd its like really thick so i gotta wipe it out

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