
How much water should i put in a turtle tank??

by  |  earlier

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im gonna get a turtle and i wanted to know how much water i should put in for em. i asked the petsmart worker how much and she said as big as your filter is and my filter is about 4-6 inches,what do you guys think does it matter or how big your filter is??please help!!




  1. I would start out with a 10gallon tank and turtles love to swim and you should have know more then 5-10 inches of water in the tank and the filter should be for a 5-10 gallon tank and my 2 red ear slider turtles love to eat this all the time and it is called reptile sticks and the other foods they love are called mini-sticks and to help keep the water clean all the time you would to get this for the tank and they are called Algae control this will help the water from getting green,biotize-waste degrader and if you like to have a pet gold fish the turtles tank will you can because turtls and gold fish water are very dirty and that is why you can and they do get a long and I have one gold fish in my tank with the turtles and it has been in there for more then 4 months..

  2. how big is the tank?  How big is your turtle?  Fill the tank as far to the top so he has plenty of swim water. BUT..make sure if he stands up he cannot climb out of your tank. They are great climbers.

    Their heat lamp must be 10" to 12" above them when they bask at least 8 hrs aday.

    Did you get the feeder fish and the 'amquel chemical' to put in the water so the fish don't die. turtles need no chemicals and the amquel is fine.

    Hope your havin a great time  =^  )

  3. To start with, your tank is way too small for more than one baby RES and they grow quickly. Eventually, you might wind up needing a 250-gallon tank for your two. I'd start with a 55-gallon tank and start saving up for a bigger one.

    Filters are sized for tanks of fishes, not turtles. Get one rated for a tank two or three times the size you have.

    Provided you have a ramp leading up to your basking area, you can put a lot of water in the tank. You can make a ramp (and basking area) with a piece of hardware cloth.

    If you want to talk any of this over, email me and I'll give you my phone number. I'm near West Chester Pike and the Blue Route, not too far west of you.

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