
How much water so me and my wife need in a in a survive kit?

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How much water so me and my wife need in a in a survive kit?




  1. Depends on how big your survival kit is. I would say keep a few 1 liter bottles in there, just in case.

  2. At least 8 gallons a day, per person.  Figure you would probably need about 3-4 days worth before you could expect help in the event of an emergency.

  3. as much as need for the situation at hand

  4. why not get one of the nice backpack purifiers and forget hauling water?..water weighs 8lbs per gallon....the purifers run less than a 100 bucks sure to get one that says "purifier" and not just "filter"....then you can visit a creek or stream daily and not worry...get all the water you option is to get a filter with a charcoal prefilter and use purifing tablets THEN run through the filter to remove the chlorine or iodine..either way but filtering alone isnt enough

  5. one gal per person is recommended - but you need more then that - you need no less then 1/2 gal just to flush the toilet then you need to wash and drink to and you need it for some food.

    when i was in florida i filled my dumpster up with water - kept a five gal pail in each both room with a one gal pail to fill for flushing - clean dumpster before filling - plus i filled two large garbage pails with water and several water pitchers and put some in the freezer to help keep fridge cool.

    then i filled all pots and pans.

    put meats in washer and set washer on spin so juices can drain also fill washer with ice.

    now that is a start of what you need and that was for one person and a dog.

    when under stress you don't eat much so whatever you eat should be packed with vitimans.

    the directions above are for times of no electricity or water.  you usually have a few hrs to prepare.

  6. 1-2 gallons a day per person depends on your survival needs.If its for a natural disaster,my suggestion is to get as much water as you possibly can for the two of you.It makes things allot more comfortable.A suggestion is to get new plastic garbage cans ,sanitize them with bleach and fill them with water.Keep the cans for just that purpose.But if this is for camping 1-2 gallons a day per person is sufficient.

  7. Well it would depend on how long your survival kit is meant to last.  For me, I would like to have no less than 2 average size water bottles per person.

    Her is a link to a cool website for camping survival kits:

  8. Just get her pregnant and drink the Milk.

  9. Troy, the best thing to do is throw a case of water into your "survival area"

    Water is extremely important but easy to purify.  Use that water sparingly in an emergency and use other water boiled and filtered (coffee filter is fine) as much as possible.

    You can boil water in commonly available kitchen pots over commonly available fallen branches of trees.

    And that's if you want the "good" water.

    People so often fail to see that survival is all around them despite a lack of electricity.  When overwhelmed with the lack of modern convenience ask yourself what the early settlers did.  That answer is likely to get you through most situations.

    It is however easier to survive in the woods than in the city, because we've removed so much of what we need.

    I did forget that didn't I Gandamack.  Yes.  A water purifier is an excellent thing to have in the survival area.

  10. at least two gallons of water a piece if u have no water for a week.  or one gallon of water a piece for a couple of days.

  11. how long are you planning to survive. remember to duct tape your house

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