
How much weight can I expect to loose in Basic Training(ARMY)?

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I'm Female and currently weight 146 Pounds,I'll be at Ft.Jackson for Basic Training for 9 weeks,and was wondering about how much weight I can expect to loose during this time? And if you don't mind could you tell me your s*x, weight and weight loss or gain during basic training? THANK YOU

Like to THANK those of you who answer with real answers and not just answer for points!! :)




  1. my brother went in at 220 and lost 40 pounds in 10 weeks!!!

    He came back looking like a toned freshmen in high school though...

    He's about 6'2

  2. You might lose weight.

    Or you might stay the same weight,

    Just shifting it around from fat to muscle.

  3. I actually gained weight. It depends on how much u eat at the chow hall....

  4. I am leaving for BCT to Ft. Jackson on Sept 9th.  I have talked to a handful of people that say depending on how well you run and how hard you work, you can expect to lose about 10-30 lbs.

    I am 6'2" and weigh 203.

    I have put on weight in the last few months getting ready to go because I have put on some muscle due to the push ups I have been doing.  

    We will be busy all day and always on the go, with no time to eat.  I feel like I will come out of BCT and AIT at least 20 lbs lighter.  I heard there is more PT in AIT bc your body is used to it and you are getting in a good rythym.  It depends how long your AIT is too.

    My name is SPC Christopher Galvan.  I will arrive in Ft. Jackson on Sept 9th from San Antonio, TX.

    Good luck and Hooah!


  5. My friend lost about 10 pounds, and she just got back from army basic. AIT is another story though, from what I hear.  

  6. I left to Action Jackson in april of 04. I weighed about 210 when I went in and probally lost 10lbs when I graduated but by the time I got out of AIT I was 179lbs. I am a male and I can say it was not the exercises that make you loose weight but the lack of food. Depending on the DS, they won't let you eat all the sweets that the DFAC offers. Get used to MREs too and lots and lots of chugging water! It was fun and just remember it is 90% mental and 10% physical! Good luck!

  7. I left for BCT in 26JUN03 I was in humid Ft. Knox Kentucky, and weighed in at 185 pounds and height is 6-11, I came out of basic weighing 160 pounds. It all depends on you. The thing that helped me lose weight was all the PT of course, and the lack of time to eat. I dont know how basic is now, but for a 2 weeks straight we got 3 minutes to eat, then after that they were nice to us and gave us 5 to 6 minutes to have fun. itll be easy its only relaxin jackson.

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