
How much weight can i lose in 2 weeks with out eating anything?

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im 5'5 and 137lbs.

i wanna lose 8lbs.




  1. It doesn't matter. Any weight lost (and extra weight) will come back when you start eating again. I wish I weighed 137 lbs. I'm 5'3 and 195 lbs. Consider yourself thankful.

  2. dont do it plz

  3. eat less food do not eat junk food  eat health choices food your weight watcher food  eat friuts vegetables and drink 6 glass water go walking everyday help good luck?

  4. Realistically you could lose 4 or 5 pounds in 2 weeks if you eat carefully. Do not try and eat too little because your metabolism will slow right down to conserve energy. It is better to eat a little 4 or 5 times a day. Cut out as much fat and sugar as you can, eat lots of veggies either cooked or raw salad type, some fruit though easy on bananas as they quite high in calories, eat low fat meat like chicken, turkey or white fish and a few potatoes (no butter on them) to help you feel full.  Make sure you eat most food early in the day, ie breakfast mid morning and lunch, and just a little less later.  And easy on milk, try and drink more water or diet drinks instead. Good luck!

  5. if you want to lose weight try

    not eating that much grains

    like cut back on tortillas

    or bread

    also junk food and stuff

    not eating for 2 weeks isnt good for your body i doubt youll survive

    best of luck!


  6. dont eat nothing u must eat breakfast most important meal . this is because ur body doesnt start burning fat til u have fed it (bit like lighting a fire ) then just have a cup a soup 4 dinner and tea and a bit of fruit or nuts inbetween if ur hungry

  7. Dont do it. Its not healthy.

    Use this site to see what you need daily:

    Then eat about 500 calories less.

  8. You will probably lose at least ten pounds if you don't eat anything at all. But you'll gain it all back as soon as you start eating again.

    Just eat healthy and stay active and that 8 lbs should come off in a month's time. Starvation is not healthy.

  9. Wow.  I'm a guy and I'm 5'5" and exactly 137lbs.  Kinda' small for a guy.  I was weighing 140lbs.  I've been consuming more fruits and vegetables as of late.  Fruit in the morning and afternoon.  Salad for dinner with lean turkery.  Less calories but it's healthy.  I work a really hectic schedule so I don't have time to fix fancy meals.  

  10. youd die. it would all be water weight, which you would end up gaining back once you start eating. eat whole grains, lean meat, low fat dairy, fruits and veggies and exercise....itll take time but the weight will stay off. no junk food or fast food.

  11. by not eating in a 2 week period you won't actually lose as much fat as you would imagine, you will probably lose fluid more than anything as your body starts to automatically realise it is not getting food as fuel and starts to go into an emergency cycle of clinging onto your body fat as much as possible.  The best way to lose about 8 lbs in a 2 week period is to eat small amounts of good foods more often ie/ regulalry throughout the day, I would suggest fresh fruit or cereal in the morning, a mid morning snack of fruit or yohurt, soup for lunch and some veg and a skinless chicken breast for dinner, don't eat after 6pm.  If you follow this and drink lots of fluids (not fizzy drinks - even diet ones as they bloat you!) you WILL lose the weight, but by not eating  at all you will actually cling onto weight for a longer period due to your bodies emergency response.  

  12. you cant u will not survive  

  13. u have 2 eat something. i didnt eat for 19 hours because i was sick and lost like 1 pound and then gained it back haha.

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