
How much weight can u lose from not eating?

by  |  earlier

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cause my friend is starving herself and i am going to tell that to her so maybe she'll get scared and stop




  1. starvation is not the way to lose weight, in fact it will have the opposite effect. Our bodies are very intelligent, when your friend reaches her weight loss goal and starts to eat again her body will store food as fat. It does this in case it has to go through a period of starvation again, this way it will be able to break down the fat stores for energy.  

  2. When you don't eat your body goes into starvation mode and it stores all of it's fat so not much. If she does this for a long time though her body will literally eat itself and she'll die. You should persuade her to get help!

  3. u can lose your entire body by not eating. tell her it will KILL her if she doesn't stop, and she can find another way to lose weight if she actually needs to. chances are, she doesn't need to lose weight but she's self-conscious because of what she sees in magazines. tell her u care about her and she needs help, and u don't want to lose her to something like this.

  4. i lost 62 lbs in two months by not eating. i highly recommend you get your friend help. its not worth starving yourself. you begin to feel depressed and antisocial. you just feel sick all the time. if she is really desperate to lose weight she should try to find a healthy diet. but starving yourself can eventually kill you. it is too much strain on your heart which eventually will cause you to go into cardiac arrest. if that happens your body is not strong enough to work by itself to restore its health/energy, you could be in the hospital for months, even eating out of a tube. it doesnt take long to get sick it varies for everyone but this could also happen in a matter of months. if you have questions e-mail me im going to school for dietetics. dont let her go thru this alone.

  5. not a lot. exercise is the best thing and not eating is really bad

  6. Your friend can lose ALL of her weight by not eating. Of course she will fall away to nothing and have one foot out of the grave. It's a very foolish and very dangerous way to lose weight.

    Tell her people die doing that.

  7. not much, but when she starts to eat again she gonna gain bk 2x more, she needs to get  help if she doesnt see that, she can become anorxia

  8. you could lose atleast 3 maybe more mattering if shes overweight now.

    tell her to eat and just subtract the calories that shes always been eating a day good luck and i hope comes to her sences because if you dont eat youll start to get dizzy, maybe vomit, holusenate ot worse anorexia!

  9. Not much because u end up over eating when u do eat. So it is pointless. Just portion control.

  10. Well you can loss weight for sure. I lost weight by just eating a pack of cheese on wheat crackers and a 8 ounce carton of milk aday for 4 out of 7 days. the 5 day I eat at Mcdonalds, 6 day nothing, 7day I would eat a normal home cooked meal. one year of that I lost from 124, down to 100.  littlest I had ever been in my life. Then in Sep. of 1993 I had a masive heart attack. because I wasn't eating the right foods. I was only 35 years old. I started eating my vegies after that scare  

  11. It'll be muscle weight because without proper nutrients and protein the body goes catabolic and cannibalizes lean muscle tissue for energy and locks away fat and carbs.  It's only the worst way to diet... During a diet like this your body fat percentage actually increases.

  12. When she eats again she'll end up gaining all the weight back plus more weight. Also if she doesn't eat and gets skinny she won't have anymore energy, her hair will probably start to fall out, her skin will start loosing any life to it, she'll pass out and way more. Before you know it she'll be close to her death.

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