
How much weight can you expect to loose on the Atkins diet.?

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I would like to com bind it with exercise has any one lost allot of weight using this method and how long did it take.




  1. and it gives you really bad breath

  2. Diets do not work simply because they are that, diets.

    Go vegan or vegetarian if you really want to lose weight.  The added benefit is that you are also helping the planet.  Meat is unhealthy for you and for our beautiful planet.  Do some research and you see that I am correct.  I have been a vegetarian for over 25 years and this last year I tool one final step and became vegan, not for my heath but for the animals who suffer greatly and for the planet, which takes a beating because cows are fed on grass, some of them in the rain forests which are now cut down just so cows can graze there!!   It is by far the best decision I've ever made.

  3. I lost a LOT of weight on the Atkins diet - Approximately 30 pounds in two months. This was not safe, and I gained it back when I started eating bread and starches again.

    My cholesterol was also high, and my blood pressure was elevated.

    When I stopped drinking soda, I lost 18 pounds in about five weeks. To me, no diet is a good diet. "Everything in moderation" is what I live by and I've never been healthier. I run, and I bike - And if I want to have something with carbs, I do. Carbs are good energy.

    The Atkins diet will place your body in a state of ketosis. This is toxic to your body, and can be dangerous. If you were found to be in ketosis in a hospital, they would give you insulin. Ketones are toxic to the body and can damage your internal organs.

    When it comes to losing weight, slow and steady wins the race. It's fulfilling to know that you've lost weight and gotten in shape doing what you want to do!

  4. My Dear, please research this diet before you begin.  If Adkins is anything like South Beach, the goal is NOT to give up carbohydrates, but to give up refined carbohydrates like refined pasta, white bread, etc...  WE NEED COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES TO LIVE HEALTHFULLY!  

    The weight loss associated with high-protein diets results from wasting, muscle loss, tone, and efficiency.  -And when the source of the protein is meat, the meat is usually also high in fat and has higher calories per mouthful than a high-carb diet.  What a way to lose weight!  You DO need additional protein if you're working out, but not THAT much.  Body building websites are fond of saying a high protein diet is good for you.  Site after site claims to "debunk the myth" that a high protein diet is bad for you, but common sense tells us that even, and perhaps especially while you're losing weight, your body needs nutrition in balance!  A potato is actually good for you!  It's the things we put on potatoes that have all the calories.  A medium red grapefruit has 13 grams of protein, plus citrus, fiber, vitamin C, and minerals, among other things!

    The information is available en masse online, and I encourage you to talk to your doctor before making any severe dietary changes.  She or he is very well aware of the risks of a high-protein diet.  Some cities also have "211" an information line that could be valuable.  Check the front of your phone book too.  Often there's free health information lines who will give you the same information.

    Below are some resources for researching this information:

    The USDA website lists the nutrients in foods:!ut/p/_s....

    This link for teens talks about protein:

    Here is a link from Web MD regarding the negative health effects of high protein diets:

    Especially this last one as it is geared toward women, and covers kidney failure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, cancer, and ketosis, and of course, since it's from Web MD!

    Best wishes to your weight loss goals!

  5. I lost about a stone and a half in couple of months (about 15kg or 20lb) going down from 95kg to around 80kg. Since relaxing it, my weight has crept up to 87kg.

    Not quite right about not having energy with the Atkins diet, since the unlimited fats take the place of carbohydrates as sources of energy, which are spread out over a longer time than you would get with a sugar hit with a normal metabolism.

    Atkins devised his diet on a hunch, which has since been investigated by science and improved on.  He said it was not proteins or fats that were the problem, but carbohydrates.  In fact the real villain is Insulin Resistance.  If you eat anything with a higher Glycaemic Index that 50, it triggers the release of insulin into the blood, and a second mechanism controls how much is released.  If the second mechanism fails (as is very common in the over 40s) then you get too much insulin following a sugar hit.

    Now insulin has the job of converting blood sugars into body fat which is stored for later.  Too much insulin, and the result of eating a Mars Bar is a sudden dive in blood sugar and an increase in weight. Fat combined with the sugars just makes it worse, since the moment it is turned into blood sugar by the liver, it gets turned back into fat by the insulin.

    Atkins therefore argued that the removal of all carbohydrates from the body would prevent any release of insulin into the body, and all the sugars generated slowly from the fats would be converted into energy not body fat.

    Where he fell down was that a diet heavy in protein and fat puts pressure of the kidneys, the lack of fibre plays havoc with the gut, and the lack of vitamins and minerals in fruit and vegetables makes you fall prey to all sorts of nasties.  So it is really not sustainable, and should only be used as a quick fix in preparation for a more balanced slimming diet, which still cuts out the sugars, the juices, most of the cooked root vegetables, most bread and rice, but encourages protein, raw fruit and green vegetables, and a certain amount of bread eaten in the morning.  Also saturated fat, although allowed by Atkins, is discouraged because of other problems, but any quantity of other fat, especially monounsaturated fats found in avocados and oily fish is encouraged.

    Exercise is excellent for dieting. If however you do a lot of heavy exercise, then do not be afraid to take some sugar if your body needs it at the time only, since it then encourages your metabolism to burn the sugar rather than store it.  If after taking sugar you feel weak, then stop eating it immediately, and instead make sure you eat a couple of rounds of toast before the exercise to keep the blood sugar up.

  6. I'm not sure but if done correctly you can lose a lot of weight.

    Don't bother trying to combine it with exercise, the diet leaves you with no energy at all since there are no carbs in it.

    There are health risks though so you might wanna ask a doctor.

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