
How much weight did you gain by 12 weeks?

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I've gained 3 so far. But I feel as if I gained 23lbs. I just popped right out with my 2nd pregnancy.




  1. Every pregnancy is different.  Some gals loose weight in the beginning but really gain with the baby weight, it just doesn't register.  Don't be too worried.  Your doctor will let you know when to worry.  

  2. I'm 11 weeks and overweight, have lost 18 lbs due to morning sickness. So... I don't see my weight increasing any in the next week. So... no weight gain so far. :)

  3. I think 3 or 4 lbs with both pregnancies at 12 weeks.  Now I am 35 weeks and have gained 25 lbs.

    How Much Weight Should You Gain in the 1st Trimester?

    Gain 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per month for a total of 3-5 pounds.

    Consume an extra 200 calories a day (for example, a glass of skim milk, and two slices of turkey breast).

    Total Weight Gain During Pregnancy

    If you were...

    Underweight before pregnancy: 28-40 pounds

    Normal weight before pregnancy: 25-35 pounds

    Overweight before pregnancy: 15-25 pounds

    Obese before pregnancy: 15

    Carrying twins: 35-45

  4. 0 lbs at 13 weeks.

  5. By my 12th week, I had only gained 2lbs. I am currently 19wks6days and I have gained a total of 3lbs my entire pregnancy. I do feel like an orca whale however!

  6. im 17 weeks and have lost 8lbs, everyones different, dpends weather u have bad sickness or if you have cravings or you just gai or loose weight easier than other people

  7. I lost about 4 by that time.

    However I am 24 weeks and have gained 13!

  8. 3-4 lbs is the average weight gain for the first trimester. I lost 3 pounds this time (I am pregnant with #3) due to 24/7 morning sickness, but I am now 21 weeks and have gained almost 5.  

  9. Zero. I can't believe it because I was popping, but because I never felt very good, I wasn't eating much either. I didn't lose weight or gain until about month 4.

  10. I was still losing at 12 weeks because I was so sick.  

  11. i think i gained around the same as you, 3. of course i was terribly bloated so i know how you feel!

  12. I gained a 1 lb and that was it - this is my 2nd pregnancy as well . I did not start putting on weight until the end of my 2nd trimester and now 38 weeks have gained 18lbs total. I'm not a big person just very athletic . Everyone is different .    

  13. I am a little over 11 weeks and I have lost about 5 pounds (which I could barely afford to lose).  I haven't had any morning sickness and I can barely button my pants - it doesn't make sense to me.

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