
How much weight did you gain by the time you were 20 weeks?

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I'm 20 weeks and have gained 5lbs. Just wondering how much others have gained and if this is normal..




  1. lets see ive gained almost 3 pounds sense ive been prego im 22 weeks rite now

  2. I didnt gain any until i was about 27 weeks.

  3. At 20 weeks according to my scale I am still under my prepreg weight by about 3 lbs,  but according to my dr - he says I have gained 4.. So Im going to go with my drs answer!

    I was worried about this too and he said that how much I had gained at 20 weeks (pretty much the same as you) is great bc the baby doesnt even weigh a pound and you dont want to gain too much to early bc you will have a really hard time getting it off bc its not BABY weight - its MOSTLY just weight gain...He said that at 26 weeks that when weight gain should start really speeding up.

  4. I was gainly roughly 1kg a month at that stage (2lbs) but from about there onwards it started getting on alot quicker. By 30weeks I had gained 20kg (40lbs) and then this last couple of weeks I've dropped a kilo or so again. Another girl I know is only 2 weeks behind me and has barely gained any weight at all, however her pregnancy appears to be progressing as normal. As long as your drs aren't concerned and your measurements are all good then I don't think it really matters how much you have or haven't gained. Keep eating a healthy balanced diet and you should be fine. It's different for everyone, but if all else is normal than that is probably the right amount for you to have put on at this stage

  5. I'm 20 weeks also, I have gained about 3 pounds.

  6. with my first son.. i gained 30 pds by 24 weeks..  this time was only like 7 pounds by the time I was 20w4d when i went and got an ultrasound..  

    i was 134 when i got pregnant this time and they said my weight gain limit was 25-35 pds this time.   Now I am 38 weeks and I have gained 34 pds. But i think it is normal for 5 pds by 20 weeks. I gained most of my weight this time by 32 weeks

  7. WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than that I know.  If your doc doesn't see a problem with it, I wouldn't worry.

  8. thats really wonderful....i wish i was that gained 14 lbs by 18w....:-((((((

  9. 21 weeks and i have gained 4 sounds like your on track

  10. Your normal. I gained 15 at that point. We are only supposto gain 25 to 30 pounds. So, you are doing very well. I gained. 70.

  11. Im 25 weeks and i just gained 6lb my doc says im completely healthy and everything is how it should be for a 25 weeks pregnant woman!

  12. When I went in for my appointment around that time (I was 18 weeks), I had gained 3 pounds. As long as doctors aren't worried, you shouldn't be! Just to warn you, I EXPLODED the next month because I stopped having morning sickness, and gained 10 pounds in 4 weeks. Eek!

  13. I was on the heavy side for my first pregnancy, and did not gain much weight at all.  Doc wasn't concerned - said the kid was living off my own "baby fat".

    Ask your doc, though - better safe than sorry.

  14. I really think it all depends. I think I gained about 10 lbs around that time. I'm 38.5 weeks right now and I've finally gained the 25 my doctor said I needed to gain.

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