
How much weight did you gain in your pregnancy so far?

by Guest32049  |  earlier

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I lost weight in my first four months. Then I started gaining slowly. I still haven't recovered the weight I lost though, and right now I'm 25 weeks pregnant.




  1. Well I was underweight to start with and now I have put on about 12 kgs. I am 28 weeks pregnant. Everyone is different! If you are concerned I would speak to your GP and then they may check the growth of bub to ensure bub is growing enough for the age.

  2. im 23 weeks and before i fell pregnant i weighrd 47ks and now i weigh 63ks

    iv gained heaps and i feel like such a fat cow lol

  3. i wish i was you!!! i'm 35 weeks and i've gained 30lbs and it's all in my ugly hips my stomach looks like a little basket ball.

  4. i am 33 weeks and 2 days and so far i have gained like 54 pounds.. :) idk if thats a lot but o well


  5. 30 weeks and i have gained 25 pounds :)

  6. I lost 10 in the beginning because of the morning sickness. So far I have gained a total of 9lbs. I am 29 weeks

  7. i gained 40lbs, and still have 6more days to go!

  8. So far...I've lost 4 pounds!

  9. 30 weeks..18lbs.

  10. well talk to your doc. or eat alot more fatty foods.

  11. 15 weeks minus 1kg  I've been fine, no morning sickness, just eating healthier and am a bit overweight to start.  My midwife isn't concerned, eventually I'll gain weight, until then :)

  12. my first baby i gained 40 lbs but i was really small to start then with my second i gained20lbs and the third was 10 lbs.

  13. Well, it sounds normal. I lost weight at first and then I gained it back around the end. My doctor said it's normal. Don't go trying to gain weight. Believe me it will happen on it's own. Just continue to eat healthy. I gained a lot of my weight in my third trimester.  

  14. I am 34 weeks and have gained 30 lbs so far.  I started at only 95 lbs though and it's all baby lol. I gained 30 lbs total with my son 6 years ago.

  15. 32 lbs as of this morning - I am 36w2d pregnant with twins.

    Don't get hung up on the additional or loss of pounds - just make sure that your doctor is happy, your blood pressure is good, your blood sugar levels are good and that your little one is growing well!

    Best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy!

  16. 30 weeks & 4 days = 11lbs so far..

    Im sure it will go up..My junk food intake has increased..

    My stupid doctor freaked out when I gained 6lbs one day...i nearly cried. :(

  17. I am 23 weeks and I have gained 10lbs so far! I was fairly tiny before I got pregnant.

  18. I was extremely sick throughout my entire pregnancy and lost about 25 pounds total until month 7. I gained weight pretty rapidly at that point putting on a total of 28 pounds more then my pre-pregnancy weight.  

  19. i gained 40 pounds

  20. i only gained like 20 pounds my doc flipped out on me though and was like u need to gain more and then he flipped out worse when i lost 8 punds right before labor

  21. im 35 weeks and so far ive only gained 17lbs i guess it all depends on the kind of baby we get lol some make us big, some make us lose, some just keep us normal.

  22. I've gained 12lbs and I am 23 weeks. I've gained most of it in the last month and a half after weight loss.

  23. 18 weeks and ive gained like 13 even though i only eat one meal a day.=/.

  24. I am almost 41 weeks pregnant and I have only gained 19 lbs. granted if I didn't have hubby helping keep good healthy food in the house I'm sure i would have gained more.  I know that dr's will freak out if you gain over 5 lbs. in 1 week but that is because toxemia can cause rapid weight gain.

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