
How much weight did you gain on 'the pill?'?

by  |  earlier

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well, i know that everyone is different, and there are those who did and did not gain weight when taking b.c. pills, but im trying to get an idea from those who did gain, just to see how much, as im thinking about getting on it, but being in a profession that relies on my body and its size, etc... i dont want to have a huge worry on my hands! thanks!!





    Read that link. It's all a myth, i think people just blame it on that cause when you start taking it your usually still growing and going through puberty so gaining weight is normal. I didn't gain any extra weight being on the pill. And i've been on it for about 3yrs now.

    I rather take my chances on the pill then have to worry every month. :)

    Hope that helps  

  2. Ive been on cilest and marvelon and havent put weight on with each of them! (I dont know if it is my body or the pill but my b***s have gone from a 34B to a 34DD in the space of a year and a half!!!( I'm 17 though so they may have grown naturally anyway!))

  3. I didnt gain weight on the pill... I think its just a few pounds if you do... say you are slim... you might just put on a bit of flub around the belly and here and there but nothing much... None of my friends have gained weight from the pill... My sister has put on 8lb since being on the injection

  4. well size wise, i have a friends who went from a 2 to a 6 after being on the pill. She did gain a significant amount

    good luck though<33  

  5. Well im only finishing my 3rd month on the pill and i cant say ive gained 'a lot' of weight.

    Maybe 1-4lbs? nothing exercise wont cure :)

  6. The pill doesn't actually make you put on weight its just increases your appetite. So long as you keep on the way you are just now u shouldn't put on any weight .

    I think sometimes when you are in a long term relationship you put on weight as you get comfortable with each other and long term relationships usually go hand in hand with going on the pill so people automatically tie the two up and say they put weight on because of the pill!

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