
How much weight did you gain while pregnant?

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I am 25 wks and went to the doctor last on the 20th of August at 23 wks. Between wk 6 and 10 I lost 10lbs from being sick and not being able to hold anything down. I gained that back plus 3lbs when I went to the Dr. last. So really only 3lbs. Is that normal? Mind you I wasn't over or under weight befor. I am 5' 7" and started out at 143.




  1. i was 5'8 & 115 lbs and ive already gained 15 lbs

  2. I am 5' 4" and I weigh 111 and I haven't gained any weight so far and I am at 14 weeks :-) My baby and I are healthy, and I'm glad I haven't gained any weight!

  3. With my first one I gained almost 50lbs, with my second I gained 15 (had lots of sickness through my 7 month of pregnancy), with my 3rd I gained about 30lbs, and with this one hope not too much.  

  4. I lost 15 lbs in the beginning due to morning sickness and am now 35 weeks and have gained a total of 32 lbs so far. It sounds ok to me, but you can always ask your doctor if youre worried about it.

  5. I'm about 5'8. I was 115 before I got pregnant and my doctor said because of being underweight i could gain between 30-40 pounds and be okay. However, I've only gained 22. I don't think it's anything to be concerned about. If your doctor isn't worried and they said the baby is okay then you're fine :) Everyone is just differentt.

  6. baby #1 - 70lbs

    baby #2 - 50lbs

    baby #3 - 35lbs

    baby #4 - 40lbs

    I am 5'8" and was 126 at the beginning of all pregnancies. I had no morning sickness so I never lost any weight.

    Everybody gains different amounts of weight at different times of their pregnancies. If you are really concerned about htis, talk to your doctor. If you're eating right, you should be fine.

  7. well im 5'5 and 33 weeks and only gained 22lbs... :)

    i weighed in at 145 before pregnancy. :)

    i just barely gained my weight starting at week 28... because i had lost weight from i dunno what in the beginning... good luck

  8. I am 5'3'' and when I got pregnant with my first weighed 120 lbs I gained a total of 47 lbs and with this one I weighed 112 lbs when I got pregnant and have gained a total of 21 lbs and I am only 21 weeks and 2 days prego doctor put me on a diet LOL!

  9. I was over weight before getting pregnant and got really really sick for 5 months so I too lost 10 lbs. Now at 36 weeks I have only gained back my 10 lbs plus 2. Everybody is different just listen to the doctors suggestions and enjoy!

  10. my sister gained  a little over fifty pounds..

  11. Every woman is different, and every pregnancy is different.  If your doctor is not concerned with your weight gain (or lack there-of), then you should not be, either.  Just maintain a healthy diet and keep up with gentle exercise, and you will be fine.  

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