
How much weight did you lose with Ultra Lean Green Tea or Acai Berries??

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I saw a review online about a powdered drink mix that makes you lose weight really fast by mixing it into your drink.It makes you lose about 45 lbs in 3-4 months.Then I heard of Acai Berries and how its suppossed to make you lose alot of weight 2.I only want to get one so which would you reccomend?? Please do not lecture me about healthy diets.....I am aware of a healthy diet an is on one right now.....Please if you aren't going to reccomend either the Acai Berries or Ultra Green Tea,then don't answer at all becuz my mind is pretty much made up.If you have something else to reccomend then please say so!!





  1. You have made a good choice by looking into acai. Let me tell you what I recommend, and then I'll tell you why...

    I recommend you get a free trial of Extreme Acai from the source link below. This is the product I use, and honestly I feel better every day. If you don't like it, just don't reorder it... but you'll like it. =)

    I recommend this over any Green Tea supplement. I believe acai has more health and weight loss benefits than green tea.

    Now let me tell you why I recommend Extreme Acai over all other acai supplements...

    I have heard that there are some side effects with some of the other acai supplements. Those that are specifically meant to 'cleanse' can sometimes make you visit the bathroom more often than usual, and some people reported some abdominal discomfort such as cramping and bloating. If you stick with Extreme Acai you will be able to avoid all this.

    Acai berries have far more antioxidants than any other fruit. Even more than blueberries! Besides that, the nutrients in acai berry supplements help many other diseases and maladies, from diabetes to arthritis to blood clotting. It really is a worthwhile supplement to add to your daily nutrition.

    Acai can also be a great weight loss aid. The berry’s natural concoction of essential fatty acids, fiber, phytosterols and amino acids work together to help your body burn fat more efficiently, process food more quickly and shed the unwanted pounds that you’d like to lose.

    The fatty acids and amino acids aid in both muscle development and proper digestion, both of which are essential to fat loss. The fiber helps your body to move food out of your system quicker and also to help you feel full, as do fatty acids. Phytosterols help fortify your digestive tract, moving waste materials out and absorbing nutrients more efficiently.

    Acai has great anti-aging benefits, will cleanse and detoxify you, and has destroyed cancer cells in recent studies. You really can't go wrong by adding an acai supplement to your daily vitamin regimen. So far it's working for me by helping my digestion, curbing my appetite, and by giving me more energy each day... I don't even get sleepy around 3pm anymore.

    Again, I would avoid any 'cleansing' type supplements, even if they are acai-based. Just stick with a regular 100% acai supplement like Extreme Acai and you will be cleansed just like you want. Try the free trial at the link below. I haven't tried gaming the system yet, but I've heard there's a way to get a couple free trials by using different order information... maybe you can get a couple months worth of free trials all in one shot.

    Now, if you decide to go with green tea instead, you should choose Enhanced Green Tea rather than Ultra Green Tea. Enhanced Green Tea has more of everything in it pound for pound, and is recommended to help with weight loss efforts. I've included a link to Enhanced Green Tea too, but if you can only choose one go with Extreme Acai.

  2. Ultra Green tea is a weight loss supplement based on green tea that has a few other ingredients to promote weight loss, increased energy, and such.

    From what i've read about acai berries, it seems more like a system to "flush out" your system from excess waste.  I don't know if thats the route i'd take to lose weight

  3. Ok, im not gonna lecture you because i was in the same situation you were, and if its on thing i hate, its ppl telling me im not doing something, even when i have my mind set and have considered all of my options.

    I just want to let you know of one thing i came across on the internet

    I wanted to join the Ultra lean green tea "free trial" as well. I had about 10 lbs i wanted lose, and i thought "hey, why not take the easy way out and drink some awesome drink thatll make me thin in about 2 weeks"... so i decided to do some research on the matter

    i came across a blog site (sorry i don't remember the name) and it was about women who were taking the Ultra lean green tea trial. None of them had lost a lot of weight and they said that the only thing the ad promised that came true was the fact that the tea supressed their urges to eat (which means that the body was practically starving itself)

    i also read that the "free trial" isn't free... they give you a months worth, and after the 15th day, they charge you for the month (like $80!!!) and if you have a lot of weight to lose, one month isn't gonna cut it... one blogger said that she was reporting the tea company to her bank as a spam and wants her money back. :[

    if you really wanna do this, then go ahead, but all im saying is that these companies are made to make profit. by losing weight this fast, if you stop using the product, youll gain the weight back and disrupt your hormones, so youll keep paying month after month to ingest chemicals that aren't good for your body

    i just hope that in the end, you decide whats right for your needs...

    good luck!!

    * as you can probably tell, i decided against getting the tea in the end"

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