I promised some friends back home that I'd be thinner the next time they see me, which is in 2 weeks.
So I immediately put myself into an approximately 10km walk routine everyday. I eat less. I don't really know how many calories I consume or whatever, but I don't eat until I am full anymore. I stopped overeating basically and I drink lots of fluids. I drink 1 Liter of Nestea Iced Tea everyday to satiate my appetite. I've been doing this for 3 days now. I only have 2 weeks left.
I am currently 5' 7'' tall and my waist circumference is 122 cms. I don't know what my weight is because I don't have a weighing scale at home, unfortunately. But I am overweight, that's for sure. A fact made obvious by my ugly figure: man b***s, big butt and bulging stomach. My body wiggles every time I shake.
Please give it to me straight? Would I see considerable weight loss if I kept this up for 2 weeks? If not, what can I do to achieve that considerable weight loss? And by considerable I mean noticeable.
If worse comes to worse, is there any way I can look thin at least?
Please help?