
How much weight will I lose if... (please ans!)?

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I am 125pounds (55kg) right now. How much weight will I lose if I only eat vegetables and fruits for two weeks and exercise constantly throughout? I know this is not healthy but I need to lose the weight for some reasons. I will return to healthy diet to lose weight after that...




  1. 125 lbs??? you don't need to loose weight!! if you want to though, my advise it to not do that. if you wanna lose weight start a consistent eating habit, like eating smaller meals, don't eat junk food, have healthy snacks, dring a lot of water: everything always consistent. and working out of course. if you do your fruit and vegetables diet you won't get enough vitamins and proteins (and fats) our bodies need fats. also, have you ever heard that whatever you lose, you'll gain right back up. after the 2 weeks you're just gonna gain the weight again and maybe even gain more than you lost. you can lose up to 5-10 lbs in 2 weeks if you do a healthy diet. you might lose more with only fruits and vegetables but you'll also gain more afterwards.

  2. You shouldn't go on an unhealthy diet to lose weight. Speak to a doctor so you can get a plan that works for you! Anything that cuts out an entire food group is not a good idea. Exercise should also be incorporated. One pound of body weight is equal to 3500 calories. That means that if you can cut back by 250 calories each day, plus exercise to burn 250 calories a day (ex: jogging approximately 2 and a half miles) then you will lose one pound a week.

    Good luck!

  3. eat mean and your on a diet

  4. Yeah like you said, don't do this for too long and be careful. It really depends on your age, personal metabolism, and just how much intense exercise you do. I would say you could loose 3kg, just a guess though.

  5. It depends on how much body-fat you currently have.  It also depends on if you are weight training or just doing cardiovascular exercises.  Since you are 125 pounds, I suppose you do not have much body-fat, but you will lose at LEAST 10 pounds.

  6. hmmm two weeks, well depending on the limit of vegetables and fruits, if u keep it to a limit, n exercise, u should lose up to fifteen lbs, but it aint healthy, i did this n i lost 20 but i felt good i dk y i just lost a lot of muscle so yea, but ur a girl so i dk

  7. It is good that you're eating adequate or more fruit and vegetables. Good Job!

    For your weight of 55kg or 125lbs and assumed you're an adult (>18 y.o),  I guessed your height is 1.6 to 1.75m.

    Understanding energy balance is the key to losing weight successfully.

    Calorie intake > Calorie use ==> Weight Gain

    Calorie intake = Calorie use ==> No change in body weight

    Calorie intake < Calorie use ==> Weight loss

    Losing weight does not mean avoiding food. Instead, eat less food that is high in fat and added sugar. Eat a variety of plant-based food like whole grains, fruit and vegetables. These food provide bulk and promote the feeling of fullness.

    Eat regular meals and avoid skipping meals as it may lead to overeating at subsequent meals.

    Move more - Exercise

    Physical activity is an essential part of any effective weight loss programme. It helps burn calories and builds muscles.

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