
How much weight would I gain approximately if I were to eat nothing but fast food for a week?

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How much weight would I gain approximately if I were to eat nothing but fast food for a week, but still have moderate daily physical activity? I am 17 years old, male, 5'10", 60 kg.




  1. It is very hard to tell because it depends if you were to have it breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Rent the movie "supersize me" and ALL would be explained. The health hazards, how McD's affects your liver, pancreas, mental awareness,etc. This guy, Morgan, created the movie just to show Americans how detrimental it could be to their bodies if they ate nothing but McD's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    check it out though, it's pretty amazing!

    And also, sure you can eat what you want and excersize it off. But then why doesn't everyone do that and maintaine their health? Because it just doesn't work that way. The unhealthiness of the food, like I said damages you internal organs, clogs your arteries, stores more fat than is natural for your body and leads to an unhealty heart, making you more prone to a stroke or heart attack, quite honestly: THAT IS SOMETHING YOU CAN'T EXCERSIZE OFF.

    hope that helped you!

  2. you should get that movie "SuperSize Me" about the guy who ate nothing but McDonald's for a month. I haven't seen it but I have seen a lot of previews and scences and I watched the guy doing other stuff. Very interesting movie that shows how much you will gain and what it all does to your body.

  3. It would depend on what you ate at the fast food places. Get the movie "supersize me" by Morgan Spurlock. He did it for 30 days.

  4. 1 OR 2 LB AT LEAST

  5. About 100 pounds lol

  6. -10kg to 10kg

    It has nothing to do with what you eat, but how much. Specifically, your change in weight has to do with how many calories you consume minus how many calories you burn.

  7. I would not recommend doing that, but do what you want. Supersize me can tell you all, and it depends what you eat.

  8. Geez, another one of these silly questions.

    What was it yesterday, something like "what would happen to me if I ate fast food for a year" or something?

    It isn't the food, it is the amount of calories you consume. I wish someone who posted on this site understood the least little thing about nutrition before making these ignorant posts.

    Kid, I ran a pizzeria back in the 80s. I ate pizza for lunch and for dinner, and sometime (with coffee) for breakfast. I was 5'11" and 175 pounds the whole time. I worked out. I ran. I went to school. the usual things. Pizza is not low calorie nor is it low fat.

    60kg is what, 132 pounds? I haven't weighed that little since I was 14. Then again, I am probably a bit broader than you.

    By the way, "Supersize Me" was pretty much a lie from start to finish. Spurlock is still a manipulating prick.

  9. alot... do u no how much fat is in each bite....  like 50 +50+50+50  just alot  keep counting of how many bites and you'll see over 100 pounds

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