
How much weight would you loose??

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my friend is wanting to do this diet..

she say you drink tea with some honey and lemon juice in it.

she said shes not going to eat anything until dinner.. like baked chicken i think.. she said you are supposed to snack on carrots and celery. is this healthy?? how much weight would you lose??





  1. The equation is not really right. Only calories intake but what about calories to be used?

    Understanding energy balance is the key to losing weight successfully.

    Calorie intake > Calorie use ==> Weight Gain

    Calorie intake = Calorie use ==> No change in body weight

    Calorie intake < Calorie use ==> Weight loss

    Losing weight does not mean avoiding food. Instead, eat less food that is high in fat and added sugar. Eat a variety of plant-based food like whole grains, fruit and vegetables. These food provide bulk and promote the feeling of fullness.

    Eat regular meals and avoid skipping meals as it may lead to overeating at subsequent meals.

    Move more - Exercise

    Physical activity is an essential part of any effective weight loss programme. It helps burn calories and builds muscles.

  2. i actually tried this diet. i lost about 10lbs the first week and half then i gained it all back. instead of drinking the tea during the day and having baked chicken for lunch, she should have breakfast, lunch, and maybe the tea for dinner. you should tell your friend that the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat moderately and EXERCISE!

  3. no its not healthy at all. You would lose some weight, not sure how much, but its not the best way to do it. And when you stop the diet your metabolism will be going slower so it will be harder for her to lose weight.

  4. The protein would be better consumed at lunch time and something light at dinnertime. Snacking every couple of hours is best to maintain fast metabolism also. Just a handful of nuts, or piece of fruit is excellent. The tea with honey and lemon are also excellent idea. Green tea is good for metabolism.

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