
How much/which chemicals do I need to put into my 24ft. pool to get it up and running?

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I've got a 24ft. above gorund pool that is full of clean tap water right now, no chemicals. It's starting to turn cloudy/green. Does anyone know the exact measurements of chlorine and PH etc. I need to add to properly "shock" my pool?




  1. Take a sample of your pool water to your local pool supply house for evaluation.  Do you know the number of gallons your pool holds?

    While it is possible to do exact measurements and dose the pool appropriately you still need a good test kit to see where you are at to know where you want to go.

    Your pool only had chlorine that was in the municipal water and none if it was well water.  To shock your pool you want to add enough chlorine to raise the level to 10ppm (10X).  Do this in the late afternoon when the sun is off the water for maximum effect.  Check cl levels the following day 1-3ppm is normal with 5 max before swimming.  To protect your chlorine, add cyanuric acid, stabilizer or conditioner, all the same to achieve 10-20ppm.  This will allow the chlorine to live longer but it will still need to be tested and added twice per week to once per week depending.  Liquid chlorine is good for this purpose since it is unstabilized, 12.5% sodium hypochlorite is pool chlorine.

    After shocking you will likely need a pH adjustment.

    A good test kit will tell you the presence of combined chlorine that needs to be shocked/superchlorinated to reduce.  Taylor Technologies make quality test kits and have waterchemistry information books in them.  Check your pool supply house for information.

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