
How much will BIODEISEL cost in THE FUTURE? I don't want your opinion; I want sources!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i am think it will go up. But this is my opinion

  2. $0.63/L

  3. If you get a good answer, keep it to yourself because you will be able to make a fortune - buy now and sell later if it is going up, sell short if it is going down.  

      You have seen what a fiasco ethanol has become - driving up the cost of cattle food, corn products, high fructose corn syrup and car fuel.

      Some of the biodiesel claims to cheapness are based on using used cooking oil which doesn't come close to meeting the needs of cars or trucks and if planting plants that produce a lot of oil, like rapeseed, then the food market will be distorted again.

  4. you cannot predict what the costs of biodeisel will be in the future .... it all depends on the "invisible hand" of the market and the avalibility of resources / demand as with any other product that is sold

  5. Let me get my crystal ball out....oh darn, it's not working. Guess we'll see in the future.

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