
How much will I gain back? (professional answers only)?

by Guest33714  |  earlier

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Please, before you read: I would like answers from professionals (doctors, etc.) or from people with healthy eating habits.

I have taken in 800 or less calories everyday for two weeks.

I'm 5'7 1/2", 16 years old, and currently 133 pounds.

When I started, I was 142 pounds.

I've decided to start eating normally today, and I need to know:

-How much food and calories should I intake without gaining weight extremely fast, or becoming overweight.

I know that I'll gain at least 5 more pounds, which is fine, but I don't want to go past 145 pounds.




  1. Try searching for metabolism calculators online. A good one will ask for more than just height, weight, age, s*x. Habitual activity needs to be accounted for.

  2. I was hoping that since you specified professionals only, you had a great knowledge of this sort of thing and had a nuanced question. Not so.

    Ok. So. A medical student who has done bodybuilding for about 7 years without any drugs and is a certified personal trainer who has gotten regular people bodybuilders and figure competitors (all genders for all categories other than male figure people, never heard of that.... Lol) into the shape they want to be in or better, is about to give you a really annoying answer but you asked for it. You want accuracy? You have to give me more to go with. Or anyone more to go with for that matter. I'll just number points. You're welcome.

    1. Where did the macros (carbs protein fat) come from to add up to 800 kcalories? Do you even know?

    2. How much per meal and how many meals?

    3. What method did you use to measure food (i.e. did you weigh everything with a digital or did you use measuring cups, etc?)

    4. What sources of food did you routinely use?

    5. What in the name of all that's holy is NORMAL!? How by the way were we supposed to guess THAT - let alone the other details?

    I know I've been kindof speedy through this all but I'm prepared to give a thorough answer as long as I have all the information to make a responsible estimate. Which is what I'm gathering you want based on your plea for professionals only.

    Take care and you may email me from my profile if you click my avatar, leave your address so I can contact you back though!  

  3. I'm not a doctor or anything, but eating 800 calories or less, is REALLY unhealthy, especially for your age.  PLEASE, try to eat 1200-1500 calories a day, PLEASE!

  4. Be very careful with eating the EXACT SAME AMOUNT of calories as you burn during exercise! The only possible way to every gain weight is to eat more than you burn. Just remember that and you won't gain.

  5. Along with what has been pointed out by Ergonomia, the result of all of this is that you body has been is survival mode for the last two weeks and it is impossible to tell you how much to eat.  It is difficult enough to dial in a diet for someone who you can figure out their body type (combination of ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph weighted in various ways).  When you place your body into the situation that you have, it throws this out the window.  It can take literally months to get your body regulating as it was previously as their is much more to it than a simple caloric balance.  There are chemical reactions that are constantly sending signals to let your brain know the condition of your body.  

    Your best bet at this point is to ease back into a normal/ healthy eating program over the next 1-2 weeks.  You will initially gain more weight than you want to - this is a given as your body is going to store everything it can at this point due to your metabolism being at rock bottom.  

    While you are getting back to a healthy eating plan, start an regular exercise schedule.  Ease into this if you are not currently exercising regularly.  This is going to help in bringing your metabolism up - you must be feeding your body or this will not do you any good.  

    Good luck!!

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