
How much will This tattoo cost; I'm going for a High Quality artist too(Pics included)?

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I want this tattoo on my back(left shoulder blade). I was thinking of having it 5"-6" Long and 3"-4" wide. And I'm looking for a really experianced artist to have this look great.

Would this cost around 250$ if I'm looking for expert quality tattooing? This is will be my first tattoo and I was just hitting up yahoo answers until I go around asking tommarrow(so I can already have a ball-park figure).





  1. most artist charge around 80 an hour so depending on how long it take  will depend on the cost. that does not include materials used.  prob around 500-600. good luck.

  2. I'm going to guess around $150 - $200. Most tattooists charge by the hour and I don't see that more then a 2 hour job. I have a dragon(full color) from back of knee to just under my buttocks by one of the best tattooists in San Diego and it only cost me $500 bucks. Which came to $100 an hour. I think you should give the best answer points to the one who guessed closest! haha

  3. yeah about $250-300 sounds about right. the colors are cool are you keeping them or going in a different color scheme?

  4. alot. dont do it

  5. I have a bigger black tattoo that was 400 - so I'm guessing yours would be more than that due to the colour and detail.

  6. Take it to a tattoo shop and get an estimate. Every shop will be a bit different depending on the quality of the work they put out. Plus the longer the tattoo will take, the less it should cost hourly.

  7. Upwards of $250. But really, you're getting a tattoo someone else already has? Isn't that pretty unoriginal? I hope you're at least modifying or adapting it in some way so it's your own...

  8. Price all comes down to the artist and you'll need to ask them. However, you're breaking the #1 rule of the culture: You don't STEAL other people's work! It's offensive and very disrespectful to the original artist and owner of the ink. Tattoos are suppose to be something with great personal meaning, and you don't seem to understand that yet. A lot of people get stupid c**p marked on their body because it's "pretty", don't be one of them.

  9. most people charge by the hour and from the looks 250 is around the right price. The only problem i do see is some stores charge more if there isn't a black out line but becuase there isnt any colored in areas i think you should be ok. Shop around, ask for testimonials, ask friends. Go in to each shop so you can get the feel of it. and BTW i LOVE the tattoo. Is there a meaning behind it for you?

  10. around a million

  11. If you find someone who you know can do it for that price go for it.but by the size that you have described i would say a min of $300-$500.Good luck though it is nice

  12. $250.00 is not enough,Its gonna be over 300 if you get a real pro doing it/ Good tatts are not tatts are not good

  13. a regular tatoo varies around 100 it depends your artist and quality. Even if he/she offers you a price, negotiate and research. ask past customers or aroudn the neighborhood

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