
How much will VHS tapes be worth in the near future?

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How much will VHS tapes be worth in the near future?




  1. Well, VHS tapes deteriate over time, and anything over 10 years, the picture quality considerably worsens. Because there is an "Aging process" for cassettes, it is likely they will be worth about zippo in 20 years from now, as they will be deemed useless. Consider transfering you important videos to DVD, this way you will not lose valuable family memories. DVD are full digital, which means the quality of the video will not diminish (however, DVD's will likely become obsolete within 5 years anyhow, being replaced by Hard drive or memory storage systems ) Hope this helps.

  2. blank tapes? major producers have already stopped making them, what you buy in the store is warehouse stock. no reasonable person would be recording on VHS these days. even surveilence cameras have gone digital.

    family home movies? priceless on any format. transfering to DVD would be an excellent bridge to future technology.

    hollywood movies? again, they are no longer put on VHS. you can find a DVD of about any movie ever made. i have some soviet era movies made in czechoslovakia that won't be released on DVD, so i made my own DVD copy.  other than that, i have already tossed all my hollywood VHS tapes. no rewinding for me.

    VHS is extremely poor quality when compared against a DVD originaled video. VHS widescreen editions have only about 340 active video lines after letterbox, and only 240 lines horizontal resolution, put that on the bigscreen TV and puke. It is not like someones collection of LP records. it is more like someones collection of 8-track audio tapes.

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