
How much will a hit and run ticket cost?

by  |  earlier

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I also was driving without a license and I got a ticket for that as well, how much will both of them cost? I know that I am in deep **** so please dont remind me of that. I am just wondering how much this stuff will cost me. I have to go to two courts monday and I am kind of scared because I am only 17 and I have no idea what is going to happen. I know that I will have to do community service and stuff but I am just scared that I am going to get sued by the three people that I bumped into. It was a chain reaction sort of thing and I didnt break in time so I hit the back of one care, then that car slightly bumped another and then another.




  1. "UCANTCME" said the one magic word that no one else mentioned: "prison."

    You are lucky that you didn't get immediatly jailed for your hit and run.  It may still happen if one of the victims ends up with a serious injury.  Even weeks after a collision, some injuries take that long to manifest themselves.

    I don't know your state's laws, but I would be willing to take bets that you will, at least, get your license suspended for a time, as well as a huge fine.  (oops!  You didn't HAVE a license?  It will be a LOOONG time before you can apply for one)  No license probably means that you don't have insurance, either.  That's another big fine.  Without insurance, that means that the only way the victims can expect to get compensation for their injuries and repairs is to sue you.

    The one bright light is that you may only be responsible for hitting the car in front of you, and NOT the ones that bumped into the others.  That is, if you live in a "no fault" state.

    If you don't, and can't afford the lawsuits, think about how good you look in an orange jumpsuit.

  2. Depends on your state the amount of damage done and if there were injuries.Anywhere from $100-to prison time and a steep fine over $5000 ,if injuries were involved.

  3. Fines and court costs vary by jurisdiction.     Call the court clerk or your lawyer.

    When you get to court,   answer truthfully and with short answers.  You acknowledge fault here,  might as well there also.     This is only court for the tickets,  there is nothing you can do to keep the other parties from suing your pants off as well.

  4. well if you ran from the accident then you will no be able to get your license for a while and for hit and should be a cost of a couple grand im pretty sure

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