
How much will a tattoo like this cost?

by Guest67060  |  earlier

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a little bigger....with less assortment of colors, just black pink and teal




  1. It will depend on where you go, your artist, etc.  I'd imagine that it could be anywhere from $50 to $150.  You should just print it out and take it to different shops in your area to get price quotes.

  2. between 85 -100 dollars. also depends where u go

  3. $25 per sq inch

    anything less and I'd worry about how sanitary they are

    anything more and your dealing with an artist to put scratch work on

  4. I would say that definitely more than $50 because it is colored in. Other than that it just depends where you go and how experienced your tattoo artist is because sometimes they charge more if they have more experience. If the tattoo costs over $150 your paying too much. So basically I agree with the lady above about the price range. Good luck.  

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