
How much will celtic give balde as a sweetener...?

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it seems to me a case of the tail wagging the dog he is ripping it out of celtic...




  1. Quality answer erra......and my record of 15 thumbs doon is there for the beating with that heres another to hopefully make you a record breaker haha lol

  2. Goodness me Struthie that 1-1 draw with the sheep men of the north is really getting to you, is it not? Don't worry when Shaun Maloney scores against the dark side next week, you will find a new respect for him. We love a Prodigal Shaun returning.

  3. well to be honest  he does have a contract that he is going to see through why would,nt he this happens all the time at football clubs .what would you do ??get paid real good wages every week to do nothing ,or go to another club for penuts  celtic seem to think the world owes them a favour,look at riorden  he can play good football and sits on the bench for what .

  4. I  hear arsenic is quite sweet.

  5. i hear him and gravesen are investing in a swimming pool so they can swim in the millions they ripped out of celtic, whilst laughing loudly and singing follow follow.

    which they learned from strachan, who has been known to whistle along to it at ibrox...

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