
How much will clothes and other general items cost in Slovakia compared to the USA?

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So I am going to be going to slovakia for the about a month in the winter and i just dont know how much everything is going to cost. I know that as of now the exchange rate is about 22 koruna per 1 US dollar but I have no clue how much that will buy me there lol.

Anyways if anyone could help me with what the price in US dollars of things such as clothes, food, liquor, or anything else you can think of I would be very appreciative !

Thank you




  1. Goods that are imported into the country will cost the same as in the USA or more, (when you calculate the exchange rate,) goods made or grown in the country and services will cost less.

    I live in the Netherlands, my sister in law is from Slovakia and also living here. She will buy her clothes in the Netherlands, as they are on average a little cheaper here, but when she needs something special and wants to have it made for her, she arranges it when 'back home' for a visit, as having things made for you cost there the same as clothing from the rack, while here it will cost you several times as much.

    The same with furniture, here the store bought goods are as cheap or cheaper than there, there the made to order things are hardly any more expensive.

    With the dollar doing so poorly on the international currency market, count on the cost of living as a tourist about the same as it would be in the USA, some things being much cheaper, other things more expensive.

    And watch the price tags where you go, in the mountain resorts the prices are way much higher than in the rest of the country, Bratislava is also getting less cheap, but you can still find cheaper places to eat and sleep when getting away from the actual center of town.

  2. i can compare it, I was in states for 4 months and I am Slovak.

    Clothes in Slovakia are more expensive generally, but it depends..


    I can say food in the capital city Bratislava, is in the same price like in states, but outside the city you can buy food really cheap.

    And liquor:> yeah..I have american friends here with me in the city, and they wanna drink all the time and bring a few bottles with I can say its cheaper..and you can find lots of various liquors... because Slovakia is also known for the "drinking manner"  - that means everyone can drink a lot:>

    I hope you will enjoy your stay...if you wanna know more, or wanna help..try to write me.

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