
How much will cost to run a professional business website?

by Guest44607  |  earlier

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I am planning to run a business website. But I don't know anything about the cost. I am not talking about designing the website or maintenance. I am talking about hosting etc..Could you please give some information.




  1. You might want to think about what type of web hosting you need and how you are going to use it. Have a look at the article at it gives you some basic points to consider.  

  2. You can get a free domain and free website at   You only pay for hosting.

  3. Depends what type of "business" website you want. Don't use a free service. They are always chock full of pop up ads an your site will not look "professional".

    If you want an e-commerce site where customer can purchase products online you can use a service like There you can design, host, manage your site and take various methods of payments. Kind of an all in one solution. There are many companies that do the same thing.

    If you are not ecommerce then you can simply find a cheap host. I use ixwebhosting right now which is only $4.95 for unlimited domains. Sweet! I think they throw in a free domain too. So all you will have to do is sign up, choose your domain, design your site and upload your files via ftp. Done!

    Good luck!

  4. Well, it depends on how much you want to spend.

    1. If you're from the UK I recommend They are one of the leading European hosting companies (hosting over 500 000 websites), and they currently have a promotion in the UK. They are offering free hosting and a domain (You have to pay the £9.50 setup fee and that's it). Every plan includes Photo Gallery, WebEditor (so you can build a website without knowledge of HTML), Google Adwords coupon (so you can advertise your website on google for free) and a lot more. Check them out.

    P.S. They are running this promotion in UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and India so if you're from one of these countries you can get really cheap web hosting.

    2. For $5-$10 I recommend Dreamhost

    Their standard price is $119.40/year ($9.95/month if you pay yearly) but they currently have a promotion. You can use the promo code PLUS at sign up page and get the $50 discount + 2 Free domain names. This way you get them for $69.40/year ($5.78/month). You can use their huge Disk Space and host unlimited number of subdomains and domains on a single plan.

    Disk space: 500 GB

    Bandwidth: 5000 GB

    2 Free domain names

    Price: $5.78/month ($69.40/year)

    3. If you're willing to pay $20+/monthly for hosting I recommend:

  5. These professional websites are free, you just pay for the hosting.

    If you just need hosting send them a email for cost to host your website as most websites have different hosting requirements

  6. Not much. Domain name £5 per annum, hosting £5 month. Time to run website ??

    After a while Adsense will pay for the running cost. Have a look at

  7. the cost for hosting a small site with limited traffic shoul be no greater than $100 per year (that is on the high end).

    I am a free-lance web developer and I use to host all of the sites that I develop. You will first need to register your domain name (usually $8.95/year) and then sign up for a "shared" hosting plan.. This just means that the server that your site will "live" on will contain other web sites as well. The monthly cost for a shared server is around $6 per month.

    That's it. If I were you, I would buy the domain and the host through GoDaddy and then install a Wordpress application right through the GoDaddy online tools. After that's done, you can easily customize WordPress to suit your needs. The WordPress applications and the different templates are all free.

    Good Luck!  

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