
How much will it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance.?

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i dont have a car yet im getting it in August, and my mom said that she does not want me under her insurance so im stuck getting it by myself what can i do?




  1. It's probably gonna be more expensive if you get it by yourself and not under the same policy as your mom. Insurance companies do look at credit reports, and being 17 you probably don't have much credit, if any, so doing it yourself is gonna be more expensive because you do not have a credit history. Most parents just add their kids to the insurance when its time for them to drive. There's no real risk in doing that, your insured, your covered, your just as liable with your name on your moms insurance as you are by yourself.

    As far as rates go though, I'm a guy and when i started driving at 17 insurance was costing me about $180 a month added to my parents policy. A girl is probably gonna be a little less, but also take into account that it includes many factors, from the kind of car you drive, to the coverage you need.

  2. For auto insurance the best way to get a fantastic rate is do a rate comparison on car policies. Make sure that you compare similar policies with the same limits, auto model, location, etc so that all things are an accurate comparison.

    What I always recommend is an internet comparison quote at since they have lots of insurers and can give several quotes on auto insurance polices.

  3. Make use of google to collect some related links or you could try to use answer engines like yahoo answer or to get some related answers.nonetheless,If you like some direct resource,here is a good resource from my own experience.

  4. Did you complete Drivers Ed in High School?  If so, your mom could save on the insurance for you, but since she has told you it's your responsibility here's a few suggestions.

    Get on the Internet and get quotes from the following:

    Allstate, AGI, State Farm, Nationwide, Progressive, any Independent Agents, and others you know of personally.  Compare the rates given by each and make your choice.  You will fare much better than a 17 year old boy because their rates are higher because young men do stupid things while driving a car.

  5. Everyone wants the cheapest auto insurance. Everyone is constantly looking comparing this auto insurance provider with this one. It's almost like a parlor game, isn't it. I've done it too. If you've ever gotten a speeding ticket or have a young teenager itching to drive that you've just added to your policy or if you've been<!--involved in an accident, it can get more and more expensive, can't it? Auto insurance is too expensive. You're not alone. it's true for almost every American family.You may get your queires answered here,

    The problem for discounts, however, is quality. Many ask is, "Is this cheap auto insurance worth buying? What kind of coverage do I have to sacrifice for a cheaper premium?" What is a small bi-yearly or yearly or monthly bill can become astonishingly high if you cheat on your-->deductible coverage or coverage amount. You need to therefore really search the different companies for the best, most comprehensive policy. Hope is here. There are good companies out there.

  6. Because of your age, it will automatically be higher. Depending on the car, it also affects the price. Things you don't necessarily think of, such as is it a 2 door or 4 door, what color it is believe it or not, red cars can get charged more...I'm not sure about the other bright colors, but bright red for sure), possibly if it is a convertible, also how old the car is.  I pay about 315.00 a month now and I'm 20, I have a 2007 green 4 door. It also depends on the coverage you choose. Mine is a lease, so I have to have full coverage. This benefited me because I caused one accident and got hit and my insurance paid for everything. I've looked for policies in my own name and gotten estimates, and the cheapest was about 700.00, so I'm sticking with my parents. What about other family members, like an Aunt or Uncle, even a grandparent?  Good sucks to be young sometimes.

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