
How much will it cost me in train fares to go around the world twice??

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jst asking this question to see wot answers i'll get.




  1. twice as much as once. When will the bridges be completed?

  2. you would never live long engough to get out of the uk let alone round the world, you would be stuck waiting for trains that never run on time.

  3. twice enough for you? :)

  4. not sure but you will need two returns

  5. wow

  6. alot train rides are dearer then plane journeys to certain places

  7. u wont get to far before u reach an ocean/sea where trains dont travel across.

  8. **** loads

  9. why twice ??

  10. where i work, public transport rate is about 26p per mile.. so the world is 24,859.82miles round.. thus £6463.55

  11. $999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999...

  12. take the plane its much quicker and you won't get wet

  13. a lot

  14. Across the UK twice is about six hundred and forty thousand nine hundred and eighty seven pounds, fourty six pence. Although that is only the slow, stopping at every station train and a standing ticket too.

    If you want a very small seat wedged between to fat sweaty city types with bad body odour and a penchant for eating onion and cress sandwiches, thats twice the price, and four times if you want to travel at any other time of day rather than at three in the morning.

    That you are asking this question instead of getting your butler to do it obviously means you cant afford a seat without being squeezed or constantly elbowed, as they are very expensive and not for the riff raff such as yourself.

    Rest of Europe should cost about fifty quid to get across, asia maybe twenty quid if you dont mind some more rural inhabitants upon the trian, and god knows about america, only time ive seen trains in the states they are all goods wagons.

    good luck

  15. that is kind of tough since rail lines don't run all of the way around the world. you will also have to include swimming, hiking, climbing and the like.

  16. Nothing - because you can't take trains around the world without the asistance of planes and or ships.

    Good Luck!!!

  17. I'm not sure where you are starting from, but as I'm in the UK, I'll start you off from London. I looked at this site:-

    but it wouldn't give me a fare for what I propose as your first leg - London to Vladivostok (Trans Siberian Express) - you will have to ring them.

    You would then need to fly to northern Japan, train to Tokyo. Then fly to USA, train San Franciso to New York - that will cost $154 (dead cheap by UK standards!) - but will involve two changes.

    Finally New York - Heathrow by plane

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