
How much will it cost one day in India staying at 3* hotels?What are the prices of normal goods in India?

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How much will it cost one day in India staying at 3* hotels?What are the prices of normal goods in India?




  1. It will depend on the city and time of the year. In bigger cities like Mumbai, Delhi or Bangalore you can spend equivalent of $100 - 125 and in smaller cities it can be as low as $ 50.

  2. For Indians Rs. 800/- would get you a a fairly good hotels in smaller cities. In Big cities and tourist places a good Hotel would cost Rs. 1500/- to 2000/-

    For non India citizens the tariff has to be paid in $ and cost would be - Small cities - $40 and Big cities - $80 to $120.

    Market price -

    One set men's formal wear - Rs. 1500/-

    One Set of casual wear - Rs. 600/- to Rs 2000/-

    One set of women dress - Rs. 1000/-

    Small car - Rs. 300000/-

    Two wheeler Rs. 45000/-

    One good cellphone - Rs. 4000/-

    One Microwave oven - Rs. 5000/-

    One Television set - Rs. 6000/-

    One LCD TV - Rs. 32000/-

    General doctor's fee - Rs. 500/-

    1$ = Rs. 42/-

  3. Dear Friend,

    I suggest you to visit

  4. you stay in govt yatri nivas for less than rs 1000/ food is cheap

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