
How much will it cost???

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To travel in a 1.6 Vauxhall Astra petrol unleaded, from Hertfordshire to Glastonbury Festival and back with 4 people? I've discussed the pricing of petrol between us already and 20 each sounds the most appropriate and fair making it 40quid to fill the tank there and 40 back, (80quid in total) Although my friend who's driving believes we should all pay more than him for the journey because it's his car, he's driving and we're not. I have done a map quest search for time and distance; time - 2hrs 25 mins and distance - 140 miles

Any help with this little problem would be much appreciated!




  1. Iv been in this situation many times before, as the driver.  Just split the gas 4 ways, 20quid each.  If you guys are friends whats the problem, so what if he's the one driving.   Is he going to go alone if you guys don't come...probably not. Cheers

  2. I would side with the driver on this one. I had a 3 hour drive to a camping site and 3 hours back, everyone chipped in for GAS MONEY ONLY. Then they all begged me to load up the car as heavily as they could because they all wanted to bring their own stuff. We ultimately brought 3 cars, all of which were loaded to the point that shocks were almost non-existent. Any sort of dip in the road and the shocks ran out of travel.

    Wow did the passengers get off easy... on my car a wheel bearing was done after that trip, can't remember what the cost was to repair it. Car never drove the same after that either. 2 months later critical engine problem, which ended with a full out engine sieze. My buddy's car was a sturdier build, but he had a trailer... he had complaints after the trip too.

    Just because you're all friends doesn't mean you can just misuse each other's stuff. 4 aldults in a small car really is a strain, and the car you mentioned does not look particularly buff, its not like a full sized SUV or something designed for heavy lifting.

    Doesn't matter who's driving... its the fact that you're using HIS car that you should have to pay a little extra.

  3. It sounds like the driver is saying that he wants more than gas money to cover the wear and tear on the car.  But it also sounds like you have already settled the issue with how much gas money you are going to pay.  

    Of course, you could renegotiate but it sounds like you reached agreement already.

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