
How much will it cost to build a homemade r/c plane?

by  |  earlier

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I have planned of building an r/c plane for ages! I have thought out my design and equations, but i'm not sure how much it will all cost (like servos, pushrods,transmitter, receiver etc...). I saw a store selling all the component(excluding the body) for $200. I was wondering where and if I could get one for a cheaper price in B.C.??




  1. You're better off to buy an ARF (almost ready to fly) the servos and transmiter for a decent one,about $200,the mono coat,figure $8,the push rods and hard were $10,engine it all depends,could be any where from $60 to $1500,but that's for a very large plane (giant scale) Fuel $20,fuel tubes $3 Gas tank about $8 prop depends.look around here and get some ideas,i buy all my stuff here except fuel,i get that and props and stuff like that at my LHL (local hobby shop) you'll need a glow ignitor to $15 tops,you'll need dope and glue and epoxy and an iron to put the mono coat aint cheap,you'll need landing gear,and tires for it,thats why i sugest you buy here all in one shot.

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