
How much will it cost to get from berlin to Munich in australian dollars?

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How much will it cost to get from berlin to Munich in australian dollars?




  1. Train: 6 hours, 96 Euros which is about 162 AUD currently.

    Fly: 1h, 10m + airport transits, 37 Euros flight which is about 62 AUD currently--with advance purchase.

  2. The cost for a one-way train ticket in 2nd class is US$150.00.  As of May 20, 2006 that is about A$198 I believe.  For the record a 1st class ticket is US$220 or roughly A$290.

  3. I beleive Germany is still using the German Marks for currency. check out the link. I'll take 10 pts thanks

  4. You mean Euro. It depends you could get a train or rent a car or hitch hike. so 0-100

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