
How much will it cost to get my horse's leg x- rayed?

by  |  earlier

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Last year my horse got lame. This year a few weeks earlier, but around the same time as last year, he got lame again and it was the same thing as last year. The vet nerve blocked him from the shoulder down and found nothing wrong. He was puzzled. We gave Sonny some bute and stall rest for a week and he was fine. I showed Sonny this weekend and it was very hot and I didn't have time to get him and me ready plus give him some water. He got water at the end though. Now he is lame again. He wasn't that bad yesterday, but he's worse today. He's back on the previous regimen. The vet wants to take him down to the main building and give him a full leg x-ray. How much will this cost? Also have you ever had a lameness thing similar to Sundance? Please let me know what u did to cure it and help move along recovery. Oh, and what it is and about it. Thanks!




  1. It depends on the clinic and the technology they use.  Most equine clinics have gone digital (which is great because then you can bring home the x-rays on a cd).

    At my clinic there is a  $45 set up fee and then $45 per view.  The only thing is that it would probably be 4-8 views that they would need to take.  

    You also would probably have to still pay yet another office visit and exam charge.  Also, for x-rays they usually sedate the horses (even really good horses that stand nicely) which is another $20-40.

    Most regular x-rays cost $80-100 for the first plate and then $30-50 for each additional views.  The plates are MUCh larger though than the digital plates, so you need less views.

    So you're looking at several hundred $ - the good news is that hopefully you'll have some answers and be able to prevent this in the future.

    Arthritis isnt' impossible - especially for show horses.  The QH/Paints that are started at two many times have arthritis in their fetlocks by the time they're 4 (I know of several this year that are 4 and were diagnosed) - especially if they've been kept in a stall and not out on pasture.  Only an x-ray will tell for sure.

    One thing you can do is check out as many vet clinics accept it.  It's an interest free way of receiving services.  You can check it out online too and are approved immediately (just print out the little piece of paper and bring it along).

    I do'nt think that dehydration has anything to do with the lameness.  That would be related to colic.

    Anyway, I wish you and your horse the best and hope everything looks okay on the x-rays.

  2. about 90million dollars

  3. $350

  4. Call the vet tomorrow and ask what they charge.  If you are trailering your horse in, that saves you a farm call so you'd only have to pay for the x-ray (if digital then its 45.00 a shot at my husband's office) if regular I think they are 25.00 - 30.00 a shot.  Depends on how many he does.  Look at 200-250.00 for everything at the most I would venture.

    I think x-rays are the best thing to do right now and go from there.  How old is the horse?   Could be some type of arthritis, could be anything.  I'm sure your vet will figure it out.

    BTW- always take time to give your horse and you water no matter what.  That is an accident waiting to happen when waiting.  Water is the most important thing for horses, especially when its hot.   Better to be late for a class then have a colicking horse or a passed out rider in my opinion.

  5. Depending on which vet you use, x-rays are around $75 per film, usually about four per leg (the ones I've had done anyway) plus the cost of the office visit and any medication you will need. The only accurate way to know how much it will cost is to call and get a quote from your vet.

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