
How much will it cost to have solar panels installed in a medium 2 story residential home?

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In a couple of years I will be purchasing a home. It will be probably be a new 5 bed 3 bath home. thanks!




  1. US$50,000 - 100,000.  And you will never recover this cost through savings on electricity.

  2. The cost will depend on how much the total power consume. example: home appliance such as heaters, lighting and etc should be calculated accurately. I may not a solar vendors but these information should be noted before you buy.

  3. My best advice:  Don't bother with solar-electric (PV) panels.

    Go for a solar water heater.  You'll make out a lot better by eliminating the energy you'd otherwise use to heat water than by trying to generate electricity to do it the old way.  And insulate the c**p out of the place, and make all the fixtures fluorescent (except maybe in seldom-used locations like closets).

    After you've done that, if you still have budget money left you can think about PV panels for the roof.

  4. To run everything, and be self sufficient?   About $50-60,000.

  5. In 2006, I installed a 5.9 KW solar system on our home. It supplies 90% or more of our electricity much of the year. Our cost was about $43,000, but we got an excellent rebate from Colorado's rebate program.

    This included the 28 panels & mountings, two inverters and the required net demand meter from the utility. It took about 4 days to install after we got all the permits and utility paperwork signed.

    As the price of oil increases and Americans are concerned about the coming energy crisis, I am more and more convinced that the value of the solar system increases the value of my home far more than the current economics of electricity. Energy and water are two comodities that Americans need to become more informed about.

    In fact, I have produced an ebook entitled Tired of Making Your Utility Company Rich? to explain how to prepare for the coming energy crisis. The information in this ebook could help you in making your decision.

    It can be found at:

    http://www.tiredofmakingyourutilitycompa... or


    H. Court Young

    Geologist, author & publisher

    Promoting awareness through the written word

    *subscribe to my free ILLUME newsletter and get

    my free How to Prepare for the Coming Energy Crisis 3-part mini-course*

  6. for cost effectiveness, buy a fuel cell. less space, more efficient, less maintenance, lower cost. ask me more.

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