
How much will it cost two people to travel by road from london to prague?

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That's to say food, petrol,boarding and beer? anyone?




  1. Well, as for the cost of petrol, check out this website;

    This will work out your route, as well as your petrol cost etc, as for board and lodging, it would be difficult to say as prices would vary.

  2. take the train ! get a euro pass  

  3. Distance is about 800 mile, about 1250 km, do you know how much petrol you car takes? I can not.

    Petrol prices will be near enough the price in England that for budget reasons you can use the same price as you pay at home.

    Food underway, it is about 12 hours driving, if you go the short route, use the channel tunnel and have no overnight stop, a few meals at motorway stop prices will do. Same as in England.

    Czech republic is cheaper, but Prague is getting almost as expensive as most of England by now, so budget what you would for the same time in the UK, and you may have a few drinks more out of it.

    Do take a good travel insurance, on long drives like this things are likely to go wrong, and help abroad is not as cheap as phoning a friend for help.

  4. Since you do not choose best answer you will only get vage answers: 150 quid

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