
How much will it take to get me drunk?

by  |  earlier

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Im 14 never drank before and am very tall and skinny and weigh about 110 pounds. How much alcohol will it take to get me drunk???




  1. Don't start now.  You're too young.  Not much, tho.  I started at age 10 with my dad on a sailboat 31 years ago, and never stopped.  I only weigh 130 and it doesn't take much to make my head swim.  Kinda depends on your metabolism.  First drink, not much.  Three beers/ three shots at the most.  Go for flavor before drunk.

  2. like a thimble.  I just had a flashback to highschool of:

    girl gets drunk for first time.

    girl starts crying for no apparent reason.

    girl blows chunks in toilette with other girls surrounding her.

    girl passes out.

  3. Don't drink???????

    Couple of vodka's would knock you out.....

  4. For gods sake, what reason does a fourteen year old need to drink?  You can look up that information online.

  5. i shot = 1 beer = 4-6oz of whine. its all the same amount of alcohol so id say 3 or 4 shots and yer drunk. itil hit u faster and harder if u have been drinking before. the more u drink the more tolorant yoll become

  6. why are you drinking at 14! Be careful of alcohol poisening. IT HAPPENS

  7. with your weight and age, I'd say 2 beers or 1 glass of wine

    to get drunk faster chug but that also might mean your buzz will not last very long

    LOL... 14 year olds should not be drinking

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