
How much will my teeth shift after a week without my retainer after braces?

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I'm 14 years old, and I got my braces taken off on August 7th 2008 and I wont be able to get my retainer until the 18th, or 19th. Will my teeth do any significant shifting before then? I'm getting the Hawley. I'm getting top and bottom




  1. I had braces when i was about 15. Once i got them taken off i had to wear a retainer also and still do now. I have a small wire at the back of my bottom teeth to keep them in place.This wire will stay there for a long time untill it comes off i guess! My front teeth have moved a little bit and i am now getting a small gap so will probably need a wire up there to.

    BUT... If your teeth do move a little bit the retainer will put them back into place It may be achy but its bearable.Dont worry your teeth may not even move.Everyone is different

  2. I had braces for almost two years and i got them off at the beginning of this year... i wore my retainer for a while and then I lost was a specially made metal one too because my plastic ones almost broke. anyways, i haven't worn it in a few months and my teeth haven't shifted that much just like my side its not that bad.

  3. i'm not exactly sure how much your teeth will shift since everyone is different.

    but i got my braces off months ago and got my retainer, i think a week later. my teeth shifted BIG TIME. at first when i put on my retainer, i was like oh, i have it on. then seconds later, it hurt! i'm not trying to scare u or anything (:P) but my teeth got really sore. my orthodonist told me to wear them every day so my teeth won't shift, but..i didn't listen and took them off as soon as i left for the car..and soon enough, i realized that my teeth weren't so straight anymore. so i reluctantly got my retainer and put it on and again, the pain started. it was so sore! so what i do now is only wear it when i sleep cause i can't really feel the pain, and your teeth will be straight for the day.

  4. don't worry, if they shift it probably won't be that much and if they do shift then you just put in your retainer, it should be really snug the first couple hours you wear it and if it was a significant shift then it should hurt a little bit but it's always easy to correct, just make sure that after that, you wear it for however long they recommend, especially if they tell you to wear it 24 hours for the first week or so, taking it out to eat and brush, and then just at night, whatever they say do it so you won't have to go through the painful refitting every couple of months right before you go back! but don't worry, if you put them in right away then it shouldn't hurt too bad and the shifting won't continue.

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