
How much will my ticket be if i was goin 93 in a 75?

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i was on a turnpike going 93 in a 75.




  1. If you already have your ticket, you can call the county (in which you got the ticket) clerk's office and ask them, by giving them your ticket number. It depends on the state and county. I know here, I got ticket for going "below ten miles over the speed limit" (going 80 in a 70) and my ticket ended up being $193, because they take on a bunch of extra fees, like court costs, paperwork fees, etc.  

  2. You will need to wait a few days to allow the police to get it in their database and then you can call and they will tell you over the phone how much it will cost you... .however in my experience it's gonna cost you at least around $300.... Did you know that in some states you can even get community service and probation just for a speeding ticket.  You may have to go to court on it as well.  Hopefully you will not and you can just pay it!!

  3. I just recently went to traffic court and there were two young guys there that got speeding tickets one of the two was going 120 MPH, his only explanation was he was driving back from the coast his ticket was a thousand dollars i think.  The other guy was going 95 MPH he expained to the judge that he had to get his friend home quickly because the friends mother had phoned him and told him that one of the farm animals was in labor and she needed help with the birth.  The judge was symathetic and I think she fined him 179.00.  I think the judge said anything over 95mph could be a thousand dollar ticket.

  4. You were 18 miles over the speed limit at $10.00 per mile is $180.00

    Then there is court processing cost: $25.00

    Then the stupid fee: $150.00

    That comes up to: $355.00

    Just a guess, but sounds fair to me.  

  5. I got one in NJ for 93 in a 65 and the cop also put a second ticket in something along the lines of reckless driving because I was more than 15 over the limit.  That was $350 combined.  Usually when the limit is over 55 the fines are doubled so I'd expect at leat $200

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