
How much will petrol money will it cost to travel 37.4miles in a 1.6llitre Golf?

by Guest57195  |  earlier

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The journey involves traveling 20.3 miles of roads to get onto the M4. Then 13.4 miles on the M4 and finally another 3.6 miles on the M40.




  1. It will depend on your driving technique,speed,type of roads,etc.but your looking at about £5.00.

  2. About a gallon of fuel - £5.50.

  3. There is no accurate answer to your question, too many things make a demand on petrol consumption.  Your driving, air conditioning, the wind, state of the engine how much your carrying, on and on.  I would expect about 36 or 38 MPG on a car like yours, so one gallon

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