
How much will the Government tax large corporations and wealthy individuals?

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before they take their money and their businesses somewhere that they dont have to pay more than half their earnings to the government




  1. Don't be too jealous of the super rich, at least as far as taxes go.  By far, the vast majority of income tax paid in is by the wealthiest few percent.  When you hear about the wealthy getting a tax break, may they should get one once in a while because once you are in the millions, you are pretty much guaranteed to pay 1/3 of your income in as taxes, whereas most of us have a much smaller percent taken plus we have deductions and credits they are not eligible for, so instead of paying 1/3, most working people pay about 10%.  The lowest paid 1/4 of people pay absolutely no income tax, so the rich have to carry them.  And maybe that is how is should be.

    Here is something about who pays what kind of income tax you may find interesting.  I did.

    For instance, the top 10% (people with income over $109,000) pay 71% of all income taxes.

    The top 1% paid 40%.  So the rest of us 99% only have to come up 60%.

    And for every 1 rich person you hear about in the news getting away with little or no taxes (Wesley Snipes!), there are 1000 paying their share and therefore carrying us.

  2. The highest tax rates for both individuals and corporations is less than 50%.  Moving out of the country won't save any tax dollars anyway, so it's really a moot point.  Unless you're in some 3rd world country, you're already paying some of the lowest taxes in the industrial world right here in the USA.

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